Warehouse Lights

Scene files created for some of the Solaris talks at the Houdini 20.5 launch events.

Hip files:

  • WarehouseRender.hip
    - Renders the warehouse interior with thousands of instanced lights
  • SetupMugsAndShelves.hip
    - Advanced uses of the Component Builder for the Mug and Shelf
  • InstanceableLights.hip
    - Simple example of varying instanced lights
  • QuickMaterials.hip
    - Basics of using Quick Materials, and Copernicus networks as textures.

USD Scenes:

  • WarehouseRender.usda
    - Standalone warehouse scene with lights and camera, ready to be rendered.

USD Assets:

  • Mug
    - Component model of the mug, with 6 geometry variants, and many material/color variants
  • Shelf
    - Component model, with lighting variant set
  • ShelfOfMugs
    - Assembly model, combining mugs and shelf
  • Warehouse
    - Component for building structure
  • WarehouseSet
    - Assembly model, combining mugs, shelves, and the warehouse

The original shelf geometry and textures were graciously provided to the Public Domain by PolyHaven.

(3 responses)



Member of R&D team at SideFX, working to improve Solaris and Karma workflows in Houdini. Spent the previous 10+ years in FX, crowds, animation, character fx, and pipeline departments for feature animation.

More from Chris Rydalch


  • Jackatack 7 months, 1 week ago  | 

    awesome!!! thanks

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