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FBX_SceneProxy Class Reference

#include <FBX_SceneProxy.h>


struct  JointInfo
struct  LoadOptions
class  PropertyIterator
 Iterates over a node's user properties. More...
struct  SaveOptions
struct  SkinningInfo

Public Types

enum  AxisSystemPreset { AxisSystemPreset::MayaYUp, AxisSystemPreset::MayaZUp, AxisSystemPreset::DirectX, AxisSystemPreset::UnrealEngine }
enum  SystemUnitPreset { SystemUnitPreset::cm, SystemUnitPreset::m }
enum  NodeType {
  eUnknown, eNull, eMarker, eSkeleton,
  eMesh, eNurbs, ePatch, eCamera,
  eCameraStereo, eCameraSwitcher, eLight, eOpticalReference,
  eOpticalMarker, eNurbsCurve, eTrimNurbsSurface, eBoundary,
  eNurbsSurface, eShape, eLODGroup, eSubDiv,
  eCachedEffect, eLine
enum  SkinningType { SkinningType::eRigid, SkinningType::eLinear, SkinningType::eDualQuaternion, SkinningType::eBlend }
using JointInfoMap = UT_ArrayStringMap< JointInfo >

Public Member Functions

 FBX_SceneProxy ()
 ~FBX_SceneProxy ()
bool initNewScene (FBX_ErrorManager &errors)
void stampDocumentInfo (const char *orig_fbx_filename=nullptr)
fpreal globalFrameRate () const
void setGlobalFrameRate (fpreal fps)
void getGlobalTimeRange (fpreal &start, fpreal &stop) const
void setGlobalTimeRange (fpreal start, fpreal stop)
FBX_AxisSystem globalAxisSystem () const
 Get the scene's current axis system. More...
void convertAxisSystem (const FBX_AxisSystem &target)
 Convert the scene to the given axis system. More...
bool convertAxisSystem (AxisSystemPreset preset)
bool setGlobalSystemUnit (SystemUnitPreset preset)
 Set the scene's current unit system. More...
bool convertToHoudiniAxisSystem ()
const char * nodeName (FBX_NodeID node) const
 Return name of node. More...
void importCustomProperties (const FBX_NodeID node, UT_Options &attrib_map, bool is_animated=false, const fpreal time_seconds=0) const
FBX_AnimCurveID outputCustomProperties (const FBX_NodeID node, FBX_AnimLayerID layer, const char *name, const UT_OptionEntry *attr, bool is_animated=false)
FBX_AnimCurveID outputCustomEnumProperties (const FBX_NodeID node, FBX_AnimLayerID layer, const char *name, UT_StringArray &enum_list, int idx)
FBX_AnimCurveNodeID outputCustomCompoundProperties (const FBX_NodeID node, FBX_AnimLayerID layer, const char *name, const UT_OptionEntry *attr)
FBX_AnimCurveID createCurveOnNode (FBX_AnimCurveNodeID curve_node, const char *name, int channel)
int getChannelsCount (FBX_AnimCurveNodeID curve_node)
FBX_NodeID findNode (const char *name) const
 Find first node in scene that has given name. More...
UT_StringHolder nodePath (FBX_NodeID node) const
FBX_NodeID findNodeByPath (const char *path) const
void getUniqueNodeNames (FBX_NodeNameMap &name_map)
 Return map of all nodes (except for the scene root) with unique names. More...
int nodeCount () const
FBX_NodeID node (int i) const
FBX_NodeID rootNode () const
FBX_NodeID parentNode (FBX_NodeID node) const
int childNodeCount (FBX_NodeID node) const
FBX_NodeID childNode (FBX_NodeID node, int i) const
NodeType nodeType (FBX_NodeID node) const
FBX_NodeID createJointNode (const char *name, bool is_root)
 Add new FbxNode with new FbxSkeleton attribute as a joint. More...
FBX_NodeID createLODGroupNode (const char *name)
 Add new LODGroup FbxNode. More...
FBX_NodeID createNullNode (const char *name)
 Add new Null FbxNode. More...
void nodeAddChild (FBX_NodeID parent, FBX_NodeID child)
bool visibility (FBX_NodeID node) const
FBX_GeometryID geometry (FBX_NodeID node) const
FBX_NodeID geometryNode (FBX_GeometryID geometry) const
int geometrySkinDeformerCount (FBX_GeometryID geometry) const
int skinDeformerCount () const
 Count of skin deformers in the file. More...
FBX_GeometryID skinDeformerGeometry (int i) const
FBX_MeshID geometryMesh (FBX_NodeID node) const
bool computeSmoothingGroupInfo (FBX_MeshID mesh) const
SkinningType geometrySkinDeformerType (FBX_GeometryID geometry, int i) const
 Returns the skinning type for the i'th skin deformer in the geometry. More...
int blendshapeCount (FBX_GeometryID geometry) const
 Returns the number of blend shape deformers for the geometry. More...
int blendshapeChannelCount (FBX_GeometryID geometry, int blendshape_idx) const
 Returns the number of channels for the i'th blend shape deformer. More...
UT_StringHolder blendshapeChannelName (FBX_GeometryID geometry, int blendshape_idx, int channel_idx) const
 Returns the name of the specified blendshape channel. More...
bool convertBlendShapeBaseGeometry (GU_DetailHandle &detail, FBX_GeometryID geometry, FBX_ErrorManager &errors) const
fpreal animCurveEval (FBX_AnimCurveID curve, fpreal time_seconds) const
 Evaluate an animation curve at the given time. More...
int animCurveKeyCount (FBX_AnimCurveID curve) const
 Number of keys in anim curve. More...
void getAnimCurveTimeInterval (FBX_AnimCurveID curve, fpreal &start, fpreal &end) const
 Get the time range of the anim curve. More...
FBX_Property3D nodeLocalTranslate (FBX_NodeID node) const
 Local translation property of node. More...
FBX_Property3D nodeLocalRotate (FBX_NodeID node) const
 Local rotation property of node. More...
FBX_Property3D nodeLocalScale (FBX_NodeID node) const
 Local scale property of node. More...
FBX_Property3D nodeLocalPreRotation (FBX_NodeID node) const
bool nodeIsRotationActive (FBX_NodeID node) const
UT_XformOrder nodeTransformOrder (FBX_NodeID node) const
UT_Vector3D nodeRotationPivot (FBX_NodeID node) const
int animLayerCount (FBX_ClipID clip) const
FBX_AnimLayerID animLayer (FBX_ClipID clip, int i) const
FBX_AnimLayerID createAnimLayer (const char *name, FBX_ClipID clip=FBX_ClipID{})
 Create a new animation layer. If given clip, the layer is added to it. More...
void destroyAnimLayer (FBX_AnimLayerID layer, bool recurse_unused=false)
int animLayerSrcCount (FBX_AnimLayerID layer) const
 Return src object count of layer. More...
FBX_AnimCurveID propertyAnimCurve (FBX_PropertyID property, FBX_AnimLayerID layer, int component, bool create=false)
 Return animation curve attached to property. More...
double sceneScale () const
void setSceneScale (fpreal scale)
 Set the scene scale. More...
UT_Matrix4D nodeGlobalTransform (FBX_NodeID node, fpreal time_seconds) const
 Return a node's global transform, scaled by sceneScale() More...
UT_Matrix4D nodeLocalTransform (FBX_NodeID node, fpreal time_seconds) const
UT_Matrix4D nodeGlobalRestTransform (FBX_NodeID node) const
 Return global transform without animation, scaled by sceneScale() More...
bool nodeGeometricTransform (FBX_NodeID node, UT_Matrix4D &transform) const
void removeNodeAnimation (FBX_NodeID node)
 Remove all animation on the transform properties of given node. More...
double computeConversionFactor () const
UT_ScaleInheritanceMode nodeScaleInheritanceMode (FBX_NodeID node) const
bool setNodeScaleInheritanceMode (FBX_NodeID node, UT_ScaleInheritanceMode inherit)
int clipCount () const
FBX_ClipID clip (int i) const
FBX_ClipID findClip (const char *name) const
const char * clipName (FBX_ClipID clip) const
void setActiveClip (FBX_ClipID clip)
FBX_ClipID activeClip () const
FBX_ClipID createClip (const char *name)
bool load (const char *path, const LoadOptions &options, FBX_ErrorManager &errors)
bool load (const char *path, bool convert_units, FBX_ErrorManager &errors)
bool save (const char *path, FBX_ErrorManager &errors, const SaveOptions &options) const
bool save (const char *path, FBX_ErrorManager &errors, bool binary=true, bool animation_only=false) const
void setGlobalAxisSystem (const FBX_AxisSystem &axis_system)
void setGlobalAxisSystem (OP_OrientationMode orientation_mode)
bool convertGeometry (GU_Detail &detail, FBX_GeometryID geometry, FBX_ErrorManager &errors, bool add_unused_joints, const UT_Matrix4D *world_xform=nullptr) const
bool convertGeometry (GU_Detail &detail, FBX_GeometryID geometry, FBX_ErrorManager &errors, bool add_unused_joints, const UT_Matrix4D *world_xform, const FBX_NodeNameMap *name_map) const
void blendShapeChannelTargets (FBX_GeometryID geometry, int blendshape_idx, int channel_idx, UT_Array< GU_DetailHandle > &details, UT_StringArray &names, UT_Array< fpreal > &weights, const UT_Matrix4D *world_xform=nullptr) const
void blendShapeChannelTargets (FBX_GeometryID geometry, int blendshape_idx, int channel_idx, const GU_DetailHandle &base_shape, UT_Array< GU_DetailHandle > &details, UT_StringArray &names, UT_Array< fpreal > &weights, const UT_Matrix4D *world_xform=nullptr) const
FBX_AnimCurveID blendshapeChannelCurve (FBX_GeometryID geometry, int blendshape_idx, int channel_idx) const
FBX_AnimCurveID blendshapeChannelCurve (FBX_GeometryID geometry, int blendshape_idx, int channel_idx, bool create_if_needed)
void addAnimLayer (FBX_ClipID clip, FBX_AnimLayerID layer)
void removeAnimLayer (FBX_ClipID clip, FBX_AnimLayerID layer)
fpreal propertyEvalFloat (FBX_PropertyID property, fpreal time_seconds)
UT_Vector3R propertyEvalVector (FBX_Property3D property, fpreal time_seconds)
void propertySetFloat (FBX_PropertyID property, fpreal value)
void propertySetVector (FBX_PropertyID property, const UT_Vector3R &vector)
UT_Matrix4D nodeLocalRestTransform (FBX_NodeID node) const
void setNodeLocalRestTransform (FBX_NodeID node, const UT_Matrix4D &local)
 Set a node's local transform without anim. More...
void getClipTimeRange (FBX_ClipID clip, fpreal &start, fpreal &stop) const
void setClipTimeRange (FBX_ClipID clip, fpreal start, fpreal stop)
bool exportGeometry (UT_Array< FBX_NodeID > &exported_nodes, const UT_Matrix4D &parent_xform, const GU_Detail &geo, const SkinningInfo *skinning_info, FBX_ErrorManager &errors)
bool exportGeometry (UT_Array< FBX_NodeID > &exported_nodes, fpreal time_seconds, const UT_Matrix4D &parent_xform, const GU_Detail &geo, const SkinningInfo *skinning_info, FBX_ErrorManager &errors)

Static Public Member Functions

static bool isLODGroupNullNodeName (const char *node_name)
 Matches ROP_FBXUtil::isLODGroupNullNodeName(node_name) More...

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr UT_StringLit FBX_ENUM_LIST_SUFFIX = ".list"
static constexpr UT_StringLit FBX_ENUM_INDEX_SUFFIX = ".index"

Detailed Description

Definition at line 109 of file FBX_SceneProxy.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 207 of file FBX_SceneProxy.h.


Definition at line 301 of file FBX_SceneProxy.h.


Definition at line 386 of file FBX_SceneProxy.h.


Definition at line 216 of file FBX_SceneProxy.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FBX_SceneProxy::FBX_SceneProxy ( )

Construct wrapper around the FBX SDK

By default, no scene is set up. You must still call one of load() or initInitNewScene().
FBX_SceneProxy::~FBX_SceneProxy ( )

Member Function Documentation

FBX_ClipID FBX_SceneProxy::activeClip ( ) const
void FBX_SceneProxy::addAnimLayer ( FBX_ClipID  clip,
FBX_AnimLayerID  layer 

Add/remove a layer to clip as a src object

fpreal FBX_SceneProxy::animCurveEval ( FBX_AnimCurveID  curve,
fpreal  time_seconds 
) const

Evaluate an animation curve at the given time.

int FBX_SceneProxy::animCurveKeyCount ( FBX_AnimCurveID  curve) const

Number of keys in anim curve.

FBX_AnimLayerID FBX_SceneProxy::animLayer ( FBX_ClipID  clip,
int  i 
) const
int FBX_SceneProxy::animLayerCount ( FBX_ClipID  clip) const
int FBX_SceneProxy::animLayerSrcCount ( FBX_AnimLayerID  layer) const

Return src object count of layer.

int FBX_SceneProxy::blendshapeChannelCount ( FBX_GeometryID  geometry,
int  blendshape_idx 
) const

Returns the number of channels for the i'th blend shape deformer.

FBX_AnimCurveID FBX_SceneProxy::blendshapeChannelCurve ( FBX_GeometryID  geometry,
int  blendshape_idx,
int  channel_idx 
) const

Returns curve for the blend shape channel's values.

Result might be null for non-animated blendshapes.
FBX_AnimCurveID FBX_SceneProxy::blendshapeChannelCurve ( FBX_GeometryID  geometry,
int  blendshape_idx,
int  channel_idx,
bool  create_if_needed 

Returns curve for the blend shape channel's values.

Result might be null for non-animated blendshapes.
UT_StringHolder FBX_SceneProxy::blendshapeChannelName ( FBX_GeometryID  geometry,
int  blendshape_idx,
int  channel_idx 
) const

Returns the name of the specified blendshape channel.

void FBX_SceneProxy::blendShapeChannelTargets ( FBX_GeometryID  geometry,
int  blendshape_idx,
int  channel_idx,
UT_Array< GU_DetailHandle > &  details,
UT_StringArray names,
UT_Array< fpreal > &  weights,
const UT_Matrix4D world_xform = nullptr 
) const

Returns the geometry, name, and weight (multiplied by 0.01) for each of the channel's target shapes. Multiple targets imply that there are in-between shapes, and the shapes are sorted by weight in ascending order.

This variant is slower it needs to call convertBlendShapeBaseGeometry() every time.
void FBX_SceneProxy::blendShapeChannelTargets ( FBX_GeometryID  geometry,
int  blendshape_idx,
int  channel_idx,
const GU_DetailHandle base_shape,
UT_Array< GU_DetailHandle > &  details,
UT_StringArray names,
UT_Array< fpreal > &  weights,
const UT_Matrix4D world_xform = nullptr 
) const
base_shapePrepared detail handle by calling convertBlendShapeBaseGeometry()
int FBX_SceneProxy::blendshapeCount ( FBX_GeometryID  geometry) const

Returns the number of blend shape deformers for the geometry.

FBX_NodeID FBX_SceneProxy::childNode ( FBX_NodeID  node,
int  i 
) const
int FBX_SceneProxy::childNodeCount ( FBX_NodeID  node) const
FBX_ClipID FBX_SceneProxy::clip ( int  i) const
int FBX_SceneProxy::clipCount ( ) const
const char* FBX_SceneProxy::clipName ( FBX_ClipID  clip) const
double FBX_SceneProxy::computeConversionFactor ( ) const

Compute a scene scale needed convert transforms from nodeGlobalTransform() to the Houdini unit length. This will be 1.0 if the file was loaded with convert_units=true.

bool FBX_SceneProxy::computeSmoothingGroupInfo ( FBX_MeshID  mesh) const
void FBX_SceneProxy::convertAxisSystem ( const FBX_AxisSystem target)

Convert the scene to the given axis system.

bool FBX_SceneProxy::convertAxisSystem ( AxisSystemPreset  preset)
bool FBX_SceneProxy::convertBlendShapeBaseGeometry ( GU_DetailHandle detail,
FBX_GeometryID  geometry,
FBX_ErrorManager errors 
) const

Like convertGeometry() except its specialized to only do it when the conditions are necessary for importing blendshape channel targets. Only returns false if a conversion was attempted and failed.

bool FBX_SceneProxy::convertGeometry ( GU_Detail detail,
FBX_GeometryID  geometry,
FBX_ErrorManager errors,
bool  add_unused_joints,
const UT_Matrix4D world_xform = nullptr 
) const

Convert geometry into GU_Detail, with skin deformers converted into a boneCapture attribute. If world_xform is given, the result including the transforms within boneCapture will have this baked into it. When add_unused_joints is true, add ancestor joints for any captured joints will also be added to the boneCapture attribute with identity transforsm. When name_map is given, node names for boneCapture will use the ones given by name_map.

bool FBX_SceneProxy::convertGeometry ( GU_Detail detail,
FBX_GeometryID  geometry,
FBX_ErrorManager errors,
bool  add_unused_joints,
const UT_Matrix4D world_xform,
const FBX_NodeNameMap name_map 
) const

Convert geometry into GU_Detail, with skin deformers converted into a boneCapture attribute. If world_xform is given, the result including the transforms within boneCapture will have this baked into it. When add_unused_joints is true, add ancestor joints for any captured joints will also be added to the boneCapture attribute with identity transforsm. When name_map is given, node names for boneCapture will use the ones given by name_map.

bool FBX_SceneProxy::convertToHoudiniAxisSystem ( )

Convert the scene to match Houdini. Returns true if conversion was done, false if no conversion was needed

FBX_AnimLayerID FBX_SceneProxy::createAnimLayer ( const char *  name,
FBX_ClipID  clip = FBX_ClipID{} 

Create a new animation layer. If given clip, the layer is added to it.

FBX_ClipID FBX_SceneProxy::createClip ( const char *  name)
FBX_AnimCurveID FBX_SceneProxy::createCurveOnNode ( FBX_AnimCurveNodeID  curve_node,
const char *  name,
int  channel 
FBX_NodeID FBX_SceneProxy::createJointNode ( const char *  name,
bool  is_root 

Add new FbxNode with new FbxSkeleton attribute as a joint.

FBX_NodeID FBX_SceneProxy::createLODGroupNode ( const char *  name)

Add new LODGroup FbxNode.

FBX_NodeID FBX_SceneProxy::createNullNode ( const char *  name)

Add new Null FbxNode.

void FBX_SceneProxy::destroyAnimLayer ( FBX_AnimLayerID  layer,
bool  recurse_unused = false 

Destroy give animation layer. If recurse_unused is true, then recursively destroy all unused dst objects as a result.

bool FBX_SceneProxy::exportGeometry ( UT_Array< FBX_NodeID > &  exported_nodes,
const UT_Matrix4D parent_xform,
const GU_Detail geo,
const SkinningInfo skinning_info,
FBX_ErrorManager errors 

Export geometry to FBX scene, with automatic handling of shapes partitioned by name and/or path primitive attributes. If the nodes already exist, then their geometry will be destroyed and recreated. In order to export them with an identity global transform, a time is needed to evaluate its parent node. If not specified, the time at 0 seconds will be used. Currently, everything is first converted to polygons.

bool FBX_SceneProxy::exportGeometry ( UT_Array< FBX_NodeID > &  exported_nodes,
fpreal  time_seconds,
const UT_Matrix4D parent_xform,
const GU_Detail geo,
const SkinningInfo skinning_info,
FBX_ErrorManager errors 

Export geometry to FBX scene, with automatic handling of shapes partitioned by name and/or path primitive attributes. If the nodes already exist, then their geometry will be destroyed and recreated. In order to export them with an identity global transform, a time is needed to evaluate its parent node. If not specified, the time at 0 seconds will be used. Currently, everything is first converted to polygons.

FBX_ClipID FBX_SceneProxy::findClip ( const char *  name) const
FBX_NodeID FBX_SceneProxy::findNode ( const char *  name) const

Find first node in scene that has given name.

FBX_NodeID FBX_SceneProxy::findNodeByPath ( const char *  path) const

Find node in scene by hierarchical path from the scene root. If path does not begin with a '/' then it returns findNode(path).

FBX_GeometryID FBX_SceneProxy::geometry ( FBX_NodeID  node) const
FBX_MeshID FBX_SceneProxy::geometryMesh ( FBX_NodeID  node) const
FBX_NodeID FBX_SceneProxy::geometryNode ( FBX_GeometryID  geometry) const
int FBX_SceneProxy::geometrySkinDeformerCount ( FBX_GeometryID  geometry) const
SkinningType FBX_SceneProxy::geometrySkinDeformerType ( FBX_GeometryID  geometry,
int  i 
) const

Returns the skinning type for the i'th skin deformer in the geometry.

void FBX_SceneProxy::getAnimCurveTimeInterval ( FBX_AnimCurveID  curve,
fpreal start,
fpreal end 
) const

Get the time range of the anim curve.

int FBX_SceneProxy::getChannelsCount ( FBX_AnimCurveNodeID  curve_node)
void FBX_SceneProxy::getClipTimeRange ( FBX_ClipID  clip,
fpreal start,
fpreal stop 
) const

Get/set the inclusive time range for the given clip in seconds

void FBX_SceneProxy::getGlobalTimeRange ( fpreal start,
fpreal stop 
) const
void FBX_SceneProxy::getUniqueNodeNames ( FBX_NodeNameMap name_map)

Return map of all nodes (except for the scene root) with unique names.

FBX_AxisSystem FBX_SceneProxy::globalAxisSystem ( ) const

Get the scene's current axis system.

fpreal FBX_SceneProxy::globalFrameRate ( ) const
void FBX_SceneProxy::importCustomProperties ( const FBX_NodeID  node,
UT_Options attrib_map,
bool  is_animated = false,
const fpreal  time_seconds = 0 
) const
bool FBX_SceneProxy::initNewScene ( FBX_ErrorManager errors)

Initialize a new empty scene

Resets mySceneScale/myShouldConvertMaterials to default.
static bool FBX_SceneProxy::isLODGroupNullNodeName ( const char *  node_name)

Matches ROP_FBXUtil::isLODGroupNullNodeName(node_name)

bool FBX_SceneProxy::load ( const char *  path,
const LoadOptions options,
FBX_ErrorManager errors 

Load a new scene

bool FBX_SceneProxy::load ( const char *  path,
bool  convert_units,
FBX_ErrorManager errors 

Load a new scene

Definition at line 157 of file FBX_SceneProxy.h.

FBX_NodeID FBX_SceneProxy::node ( int  i) const
void FBX_SceneProxy::nodeAddChild ( FBX_NodeID  parent,
FBX_NodeID  child 

Add child to parent. If child already has a parent, first it is removed from current parent and then added to this one.

int FBX_SceneProxy::nodeCount ( ) const
bool FBX_SceneProxy::nodeGeometricTransform ( FBX_NodeID  node,
UT_Matrix4D transform 
) const

Get a node's geometric transform. Returns false if there is none. A geometric transform is a transform that is only applied to the node's geometry and is not part of its global transform.

This transform is NOT scaled by sceneScale()
UT_Matrix4D FBX_SceneProxy::nodeGlobalRestTransform ( FBX_NodeID  node) const

Return global transform without animation, scaled by sceneScale()

UT_Matrix4D FBX_SceneProxy::nodeGlobalTransform ( FBX_NodeID  node,
fpreal  time_seconds 
) const

Return a node's global transform, scaled by sceneScale()

bool FBX_SceneProxy::nodeIsRotationActive ( FBX_NodeID  node) const

When nodeIsRotationActive() is false, then these node properties are ignored from the FBX file: rotation order, pivots, pre/post rotation values, rotation limits

FBX_Property3D FBX_SceneProxy::nodeLocalPreRotation ( FBX_NodeID  node) const

Local pre-rotation property of node. Should only be used when nodeIsRotationActive() is true.

UT_Matrix4D FBX_SceneProxy::nodeLocalRestTransform ( FBX_NodeID  node) const

Access node's local transform without animation

This transform is NOT scaled by sceneScale()
FBX_Property3D FBX_SceneProxy::nodeLocalRotate ( FBX_NodeID  node) const

Local rotation property of node.

FBX_Property3D FBX_SceneProxy::nodeLocalScale ( FBX_NodeID  node) const

Local scale property of node.

UT_Matrix4D FBX_SceneProxy::nodeLocalTransform ( FBX_NodeID  node,
fpreal  time_seconds 
) const

Get a node's local transform at given time.

This transform is NOT scaled by sceneScale()
FBX_Property3D FBX_SceneProxy::nodeLocalTranslate ( FBX_NodeID  node) const

Local translation property of node.

const char* FBX_SceneProxy::nodeName ( FBX_NodeID  node) const

Return name of node.

UT_StringHolder FBX_SceneProxy::nodePath ( FBX_NodeID  node) const

Return "path" from scene root of node. If node == nullptr, returns empty string.

UT_Vector3D FBX_SceneProxy::nodeRotationPivot ( FBX_NodeID  node) const

Return the rotation pivot for given node.

Returns a default value when !nodeIsRotationActive()
UT_ScaleInheritanceMode FBX_SceneProxy::nodeScaleInheritanceMode ( FBX_NodeID  node) const
UT_XformOrder FBX_SceneProxy::nodeTransformOrder ( FBX_NodeID  node) const

Return the transform order for given node. For FBX, we always return a transform order of SRT, so really only the rotation order is pertinent here.

Returns a default value when !nodeIsRotationActive()
NodeType FBX_SceneProxy::nodeType ( FBX_NodeID  node) const
FBX_AnimCurveNodeID FBX_SceneProxy::outputCustomCompoundProperties ( const FBX_NodeID  node,
FBX_AnimLayerID  layer,
const char *  name,
const UT_OptionEntry attr 
FBX_AnimCurveID FBX_SceneProxy::outputCustomEnumProperties ( const FBX_NodeID  node,
FBX_AnimLayerID  layer,
const char *  name,
UT_StringArray enum_list,
int  idx 
FBX_AnimCurveID FBX_SceneProxy::outputCustomProperties ( const FBX_NodeID  node,
FBX_AnimLayerID  layer,
const char *  name,
const UT_OptionEntry attr,
bool  is_animated = false 
FBX_NodeID FBX_SceneProxy::parentNode ( FBX_NodeID  node) const
FBX_AnimCurveID FBX_SceneProxy::propertyAnimCurve ( FBX_PropertyID  property,
FBX_AnimLayerID  layer,
int  component,
bool  create = false 

Return animation curve attached to property.

fpreal FBX_SceneProxy::propertyEvalFloat ( FBX_PropertyID  property,
fpreal  time_seconds 

Evaluate animated value from property

UT_Vector3R FBX_SceneProxy::propertyEvalVector ( FBX_Property3D  property,
fpreal  time_seconds 

Evaluate animated value from property

void FBX_SceneProxy::propertySetFloat ( FBX_PropertyID  property,
fpreal  value 

Set non-animated value on property

void FBX_SceneProxy::propertySetVector ( FBX_PropertyID  property,
const UT_Vector3R vector 

Set non-animated value on property

void FBX_SceneProxy::removeAnimLayer ( FBX_ClipID  clip,
FBX_AnimLayerID  layer 

Add/remove a layer to clip as a src object

void FBX_SceneProxy::removeNodeAnimation ( FBX_NodeID  node)

Remove all animation on the transform properties of given node.

FBX_NodeID FBX_SceneProxy::rootNode ( ) const
bool FBX_SceneProxy::save ( const char *  path,
FBX_ErrorManager errors,
const SaveOptions options 
) const

Save current scene. One of initNewScene() or load() must have been called.

bool FBX_SceneProxy::save ( const char *  path,
FBX_ErrorManager errors,
bool  binary = true,
bool  animation_only = false 
) const

Save current scene. One of initNewScene() or load() must have been called.

Definition at line 173 of file FBX_SceneProxy.h.

double FBX_SceneProxy::sceneScale ( ) const

Scene scale to convert from internal FBX scene. Determined by load() This is currently only used by nodeGlobalTransform()

void FBX_SceneProxy::setActiveClip ( FBX_ClipID  clip)
void FBX_SceneProxy::setClipTimeRange ( FBX_ClipID  clip,
fpreal  start,
fpreal  stop 

Get/set the inclusive time range for the given clip in seconds

void FBX_SceneProxy::setGlobalAxisSystem ( const FBX_AxisSystem axis_system)

Set the scene's current axis system

void FBX_SceneProxy::setGlobalAxisSystem ( OP_OrientationMode  orientation_mode)

Set the scene's current axis system

void FBX_SceneProxy::setGlobalFrameRate ( fpreal  fps)
bool FBX_SceneProxy::setGlobalSystemUnit ( SystemUnitPreset  preset)

Set the scene's current unit system.

void FBX_SceneProxy::setGlobalTimeRange ( fpreal  start,
fpreal  stop 
void FBX_SceneProxy::setNodeLocalRestTransform ( FBX_NodeID  node,
const UT_Matrix4D local 

Set a node's local transform without anim.

bool FBX_SceneProxy::setNodeScaleInheritanceMode ( FBX_NodeID  node,
UT_ScaleInheritanceMode  inherit 

Set the scale inheritance mode for a node. Note that FBX does NOT support everything, and only these modes: DEFAULT, OFFSET_ONLY, and OFFSET_AND_SCALE If its given an invalid type, it will map to the next closest thing and return false.

void FBX_SceneProxy::setSceneScale ( fpreal  scale)

Set the scene scale.

int FBX_SceneProxy::skinDeformerCount ( ) const

Count of skin deformers in the file.

FBX_GeometryID FBX_SceneProxy::skinDeformerGeometry ( int  i) const

Get geometry associated with skin deformer i

There might no geometry attached and this will return nullptr
void FBX_SceneProxy::stampDocumentInfo ( const char *  orig_fbx_filename = nullptr)

Stamp FbxDocumentInfo using the current $JOB, $HIPFILE and software version.

bool FBX_SceneProxy::visibility ( FBX_NodeID  node) const

Member Data Documentation

constexpr UT_StringLit FBX_SceneProxy::FBX_ENUM_INDEX_SUFFIX = ".index"

Definition at line 232 of file FBX_SceneProxy.h.

constexpr UT_StringLit FBX_SceneProxy::FBX_ENUM_LIST_SUFFIX = ".list"

Definition at line 231 of file FBX_SceneProxy.h.

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