Houdini 20.5 Geometry

“Curve up” modeling

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“Curve up” modeling refers to creating construction curves that define shapes, then use tools to create surfaces from the curves.

Another way of modeling is “box up” modeling, where you start with a basic shape such as a polygonal box or sphere and then add, extrude, modify, cut, delete, smooth, etc. polygons to build up the shape you want.

Curve up modeling is often associated with NURBS modeling, and box up modeling with polygons. However, Houdini can create polygonal geometry using the tools listed below.

See the Model tab on the shelf for more modeling tools.


Create curves

Curve tool on the Create shelf tab. This tool creates a Curve node.

Create a surface from profile curves

Loft tool on the Model shelf tab. This tool creates a Skin node.

Create a surface from a mesh of U and V profile curves

Skin tool on the Model shelf tab. This tool creates a Skin node.

Create a surface from profile curves and rail curves

Rails tool on the Model shelf tab. This tool creates a Rails node.

Sweep a profile curve along a rail curve

Sweep tool on the Model shelf tab. This tool creates a Sweep node.






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    How to break different types of materials.


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