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When I receive an email letting me know that there is a new post to a subscribed topic, the link takes me to a 403 forbidden page

also, can the link to go to the topic and unsubscribe from a topic have more distance between them to prevent an unwanted unsubscribe?

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918 posts
Joined: March 2014
Key features the new forum is missing:

No link to click on that takes you to first unread message

When searching the results display doesn’t show which forum found posts exist in, just the title. This is really useful for filtering out results.

Easier access to showing new posts since your last visit. It’s really frustrating having to scroll to the bottom of the page when this was at the top of the previous forum. Could this be put back near the top?

I second pretty much all of what Graham wrote, but the above is really key for using the forum on a daily basis.
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I love the new design and layout, looks very fresh. I would love it even more if I could go into settings and choose “dark version”


Personal Houdini test videos, []
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Its super hard to know what are new posts.
I have to go into every discussion to make it mark as read.
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Joined: June 2008
It looks like we have lost many google links into the forum.

What a drag
Edited by Enivob - May 19, 2016 10:53:25
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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219 posts
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Questions/requests :
  1. How to add more than 1 attachment ?
  2. And also, how to delete an attachment if finally we do not want ?
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219 posts
Joined: Oct. 2015
Questions/requests :
  1. How to add more than 1 attachment ?
  2. And also, how to delete an attachment if finally we do not want ?

I notice that post preview doesn't match well final post : look at the interlines.

screenshot.jpg (33.4 KB)

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Signatures are also the same size as the main body of text, which is a bit confusing. 30% smaller would be better?
I'm o.d.d.
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Joined: Sept. 2007
*Edit* Okay, it does work, but old posts' syntax highlighting is broken: Your text to link here… []

Just testing whether or not code highlights actually work…
import sys,re
def main():
    fh = open(sys.argv[1],'r')
    lines = fh.readlines()
    print '\tpython2.2 -c "`printf \\"if 1:\\n\\'
    for line in lines:
        line = re.sub('[\\\'\"()]','\\\g<0>',line)
        # grab leading white space (should be multiples of 4) and makes them into
        # tabs
        wh_spc_len = len(re.match('\s*',line).group())
    print '\t\\"`"'
if __name__=='__main__':

Testing generic (would be nice if C/C++ were options, since we could use that for VEX too).

    /// @brief Reguired by tbb::parallel_reduce to multithreaded
/// rasterization of particles as spheres with variable radius
/// @param r tbb's default range referring to the list of particles
void rasterSpheres(const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& r)
AccessorT acc = mGrid->getAccessor(); // local accessor
bool run = true;
const SdfT invDx = SdfT(1/mParent.mDx);
AttT att;
Vec3R pos;
Real rad;

// Loop over buckets
for (size_t n = r.begin(), N = r.end(); n < N; ++n) {
// Loop over particles in bucket n.
typename PointPartitionerT::IndexIterator iter = mPointPartitioner->indices(n);
for ( ; run && iter; ++iter) {
const Index32& id = *iter;
mParticles.getPosRad(id, pos, rad);
const SdfT R = SdfT(invDx * rad);// in voxel units
if (this->ignoreParticle(R)) continue;
const Vec3R P = mMap.applyInverseMap(pos);
this->getAtt<DisableT>(id, att);
run = this->makeSphere(P, R, att, acc);
}//end loop over particles
}//end loop over buckets
Edited by goldleaf - May 19, 2016 09:46:24
I'm o.d.d.
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+1 on the attachments; found I could only add 1 per post, and if you go back to edit a post, there's no way to see or edit the attachment. Had to break a reply in 2, one for each attachment.

How can I feed my animated gif addiction under these constraints? HOW? [] []
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Two more things :
  1. It's a personnal feeling but I think the font is too small (Just a little bit bigger would be welcome).
  2. Why Why the forum layout does not fill the entire width of the screen ?
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Hey guys, I noticed I do not get emails anymore when someone replies to a thread which I am watching. Do we need to do something explicit now to ensure I get an email notification?

thank you!
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46 posts
Joined: May 2015
Testing generic (would be nice if C/C++ were options, since we could use that for VEX too).

We support c/c++ as well as vex. We still need to display these in the shortlist in the reply form. For a full list you can visit: []
[code vex][/code]
[code cpp][/code]

    /// @brief Reguired by tbb::parallel_reduce to multithreaded
    /// rasterization of particles as spheres with variable radius
    /// @param r tbb's default range referring to the list of particles
    void rasterSpheres(const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& r)
        AccessorT acc = mGrid->getAccessor(); // local accessor
        bool run = true;
        const SdfT invDx = SdfT(1/mParent.mDx);
        AttT att;
        Vec3R pos;
        Real rad;
        // Loop over buckets
        for (size_t n = r.begin(), N = r.end(); n < N; ++n) {
            // Loop over particles in bucket n.
            typename PointPartitionerT::IndexIterator iter = mPointPartitioner->indices(n);
            for ( ; run && iter; ++iter) {
                const Index32& id = *iter;
                mParticles.getPosRad(id, pos, rad);
                const SdfT R = SdfT(invDx * rad);// in voxel units
                if (this->ignoreParticle(R)) continue;
                const Vec3R P = mMap.applyInverseMap(pos);
                this->getAtt<DisableT>(id, att);
                run = this->makeSphere(P, R, att, acc);
            }//end loop over particles
        }//end loop over buckets
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1. Signatures are too big = Easily confused with main text. They should be smaller to occupy less space and to be more clear or in different (less visible) color. They take like half of the post in height.

2. Attachment under signatures are easily confused as part of the signature. Should be above signature in main post + signatures should be smaller.

3. Is there easy way to go to the latest new post per topic? In old forum there was way to click on the icon next to the title to go to the recent post.
Now I couldn't find anything like this and one have to go to the first post and then through all the post to the recent page.

4. What are these shiny “stamina” bars under user icons in each post? They don't match new flat design at all.
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The Houdini Indie product page needs to be updated now that Indie supports 3rd-party renderers: []
If you'd like to cultivate insomnia,
Bed down with a pretty girl.
Amor vincit omnia.
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1192 posts
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Optional/empty profile fields - It would seem best if optional fields (Expertise, Location, Website, etc) could just not be displayed if they aren’t set. Right now you just see a bunch of “Not Specified” entries that don’t really add anything. Same goes for if someone doesn’t have any recent forum posts, tutorials or gallery uploads.

Industry of Interest & Expertise - Do we really need these, or can they just accept raw text? The choices for both are fairly limiting and missing plenty of valid options. Also, is Industry of Experience even viewable anywhere?
I'll add to this the very limited number of fields for sites / profiles on other websites.

“Personal website” should be at least 3 fields, and that only if there are also specific fields for Vimeo and YouTube channel (as there are now for LinkedIn, Twitter etc). Otherwise, there should be something like 5 fields.

It's pretty common for someone to have: a proper “personal” website/blog/portfolio, a studio/professional website, a Behance/DevianArt/whatever online art community portfolio, a Vimeo Channel, a YouTube channel etc.

I do think that “Industry of interest” category is pretty useless (both in the profile and in the main menu of the site).

I also find the “Expertise” category to be downright hostile and enforcing the belief that Houdini is for techies. I can imagine the joy of someone who is a character animator when reading that list. I agree with @graham that it should be a text field, not a menu.

The “Bio” field also doesn't seem to take an basic formatting into account. Even if I have some separated lines, it just combines everything into a compact text blob that's very hard to read.
Dragos Stefan
producer + director @
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Will there be a Journal RSS feed for 15.5?
If you'd like to cultivate insomnia,
Bed down with a pretty girl.
Amor vincit omnia.
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We've addressed a some of your the concerns, more updates to come. The feedback is very much appreciated
There is a single item visible for customer stories, news and tutorials whereas previously you were presented with a lot more. There’s no clear idea where to go to get more customer stories or news (I eventually found them under Community). I at least would have expected the hard to read titles above the tiles as being clickable to take me there. I also find the single, large tutorial tile there redundant since if you immediately scroll down you’re presented with the same one plus additional ones.
Those titles are now links and the single tutorial has been removed.
Avatar images - It would seem that the new system does not support alphas in avatar images? My Python logo avatar image (.png taken from Houdini) that carried over from the last one (and my subsequent attempt to upload it again) has seen its fairly standard alpha nuked and replaced with a black background.

First + Last names - According to the editing UI these fields are NOT required but when you try and submit changes to your profile if you don’t have anything in them it will tell you they are in fact required. Can the page be made to either reflect their mandatory status or have them not be mandatory?
We now support alphas, and reflect the mandorty status of first and last name fields.
User names are capitalized all over the place
Timestamps are all different in various places
main page: April 28, 2016 8:53 A.M.
forum page: April 28, 2016 08:53:53
forum thread: April 28, 2016 08:53:53

Could we remove seconds and use 12 hour time, not caps and period separated A.M./P.M.
I've also been having issues where the mobile site doesn't seem to be able to remember me and I have to log in every time I visit on my phone. It remembers my details but I've still got to always go through the motions. Anyone else seen this?
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1920 posts
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Thanks Pirave!
User names are capitalized all over the place
I noticed this does seem to be a lot better though I'm still seeing it happening on the search page: []

Keep up the good work!
Graham Thompson, Technical Artist @ Rockstar Games
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269 posts
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Will there be a Journal RSS feed for 15.5?

The 15.5 Journal RSS feed is now available at: In the short term this will redirect to
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