H16 Mantra Rendering Issues

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I keep getting an issue where Mantra seems to be unable to find objects in scenes. The example attached just uses some basic out of the box shaders.


mantra: Can't find geometry /obj/floor/grid1
mantra: Can't find geometry /obj/metallic_sphere/sphere1
mantra: Can't find geometry /obj/glass_torus/torus1
mantra: Can't find geometry /obj/cloth_cube/box1

The objects are definitely there. Sometimes the render works and sometimes it doesn't. If I restart H16 it might work for a single pass but then gets the errors above if attempted again. I can open the same file in H15.5 and it works fine.

In fact, H15 rendered about 10% faster. I though H16 was to have render performance enhancements?

Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
nVidia 780
Edited by Tobias Steiner - Feb. 22, 2017 18:04:05

Mantra_Test_H16.hiplc (470.9 KB)

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Is your hip file named without spaces?

That might work.

Yesterday I could not get renders and was told by support the temp work around was to make sure there was no spaces in the hip file name.

They said the fix was to be in todays daily build.

Also, I noticed that you have “/obj/glass_torus/torus1”

Are you by chance using a glass shader from H15 and opened it up in H16?

I had an H15 file that had a function referencing a parameter in the glass shader.

But in H16 the glass shader is different and doesn't have that parameter which gave rise to the mantra errors like yours.

I had another H15 file that had a couple hundred ‘errors’ like yours.

But thinking about it a bit more…I"m not surprised..especially if I doing alot of function/expression work that are referencing paramters that no longer exist.
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Is your hip file named without spaces?

That might work.

Yesterday I could not get renders and was told by support the temp work around was to make sure there was no spaces in the hip file name.

They said the fix was to be in todays daily build.

Also, I noticed that you have “/obj/glass_torus/torus1”

Are you by chance using a glass shader from H15 and opened it up in H16?

I had an H15 file that had a function referencing a parameter in the glass shader.

But in H16 the glass shader is different and doesn't have that parameter which gave rise to the mantra errors like yours.

I had another H15 file that had a couple hundred ‘errors’ like yours.

But thinking about it a bit more…I"m not surprised..especially if I doing alot of function/expression work that are referencing paramters that no longer exist.

Good tips. Thank you. It was the spaces issue. That fixed it. The renders are vastly different between H15.5 and H16. Same file. Same materials. Same lighting. Very odd. Attached images. H15.5 did render slightly faster as well.
Edited by Tobias Steiner - Feb. 22, 2017 18:03:32

H15_Mantra_1.png (1.1 MB)
H16_Mantra_1.png (1.1 MB)

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What's different apart from the auto cusping?
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What's different apart from the auto cusping?

Is that what is throwing refractions off? That's probably exactly it.

Exposure is slightly different. I get that these are minor but consistency is king when using multiple assets between versions when it comes up.
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