What are the seed, global seed and get attribute?!

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Hello there, I watched one of houdini tutorials on Youtube, and

the youtuber explained about seed, global seed and get attribute, however, I couldn't fully understand those.

Also, I would like to know the role of seed, global seed and get attribute node in Point Vop

Thank you!
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Moin, peach,

your question is a bit out of context - it's like asking “I'd like to know the meaning of pressure, temperature and espresso, please”.

Just taking the terms you mentioned, I can suggest a) to read the documentation, b) watch some introductory tutorials and c) experiment. And d) these:

seed/global seed: A “seed” usually is used as a starting point to generate virtual random numbers. On modern computers there is no such thing as a “random number”, instead most programs use (large) internal look up tables with pre-created “random numbers” from which they then take a sequence of numbers to provide you, your program or whatever with “what looks and feels like random”. Unfortunately you will get the same sequence of numbers every single time you start the program with the same starting parameters, so “seed” defines *where* inside the huge lookup table this sequence should start.
So in animation, simulation etc, basically everything that is time- or frame-dependent, you will most likely use the frame number as a “seed”, aka “starting point” for randomization. Yet, that will still give you exactly the same sequence everytime you start the simulation (which might be exactly what you want to get, but maybe not so). If you can get hold of your system's time, adding that into the mix will obviously enhance your random-experience.

Anyway, “seed” is the starting point for a random-number sequence.

“get attribute”: Houdini uses “attributes” on “things” (points, primitives), which basically are VARIABLES with their respective VALUES. An example would be the color of a point on some geometry, which would be the point's “Cd” attribute, which would usually hold a 3 component vector (for r, g and b color values).
Since you have to read out the current state (value) of variables (attributes) in any semi-complex setup (“has that particle hit the ground yet?” would be an attribute of a particle-point), you need to be able to “get attribute”. That's what “get attribute” is about: It reads out the value of an attribute either of geometry on disk (cached) or in the current graph (a node's).

I hope any of this was helpful. Have fun learning Houdini!

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