RBDs, Flip, and Source Sinks

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Hi everyone,

I'm having some trouble working with rbds, flip, and source sinks together. I'm trying to make a dry ice simulation.

For my setup, I have a a container with flip inside of it. Then I drop 3 rbd cubes into it. The cubes are brought in through a rbdfracturedobject.

Simply like this, everything interacts nicely.

I want the cubes to be dry ice, and cause the water to evaporate away into steam. So, I use a dopimport to bring the cubes back into SOP land. Then I scatter some points on their surface, and copy spheres to them. The scatter has a constantly changing seed value.

These spheres are piped into a fluid source, and used as a sink volume. That sink volume is then brought back into the dop network and put into the post-solve step on the flip solver.

Both the rigid body solver and the flip solver are mutually colliding.

Depending on flip settings, this can either be stable or unstable (although usually unstable). When the sim starts everything is fine and the sink volume starts to be generated on the cube surfaces. Everything is fine for maybe 10-30 frames. Then the whole sim freaks out, and I get either the boxes ejected violently from the flip area, or the the flip particles eject themselves.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to fix the instability, or a different way of setting this up?

Edited by ajk48n - June 19, 2018 22:00:10

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