I have a few questions regarding shading with Mantra, been playing around with displacements and megascans materials, trying to understand the various setups(long time v-ray user), I would be very grateful for some help from the experts here

1. Is there a reason why the principled shader gives me a different render when its inside a material builder or outside in the general “mat” page? I thought the material builder is like a way to package the material to have a more tidy workplace(attaching images to show the issue) - this issue seems to be linked to the object render tab -dicing -full predicing, but I don't understand why its an issue only when inside a material builder…
2. using megascans, I'm trying to setup the shader manually(quixel triplaner, couldn't get Bridge to work), what are the maps needed for export usually? albedo, roughness, specular, displacement and normal?
whats the difference between normal and normalbump?
3. going inside the quixel triplaner, I can see all maps are fed through a gamma adjustment(down to 0.454), is this something I should be doing with mantra in general?(when working with gamma 2.2)
4. for normals to work I should pipe the normal texture through a displace along normal, I thought this was also needed for geo displacements using the displace node, but just using the texture as is seems to work?
5. to adjust the strength of certain maps I can use a multiply constant node? I find it strange that all these parameters aren't built into the quixel main node…
Sorry for the long post, hopefully I can get some answers to ease my mind, overall its looking good but would like to know I'm not missing anything important,