Report a bug with FHoudiniApi::SetHeightFieldData.

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Joined: April 2021
Houdini FX Version : 19.5 Build 368
Unreal Version : 5.0.3
Houdini Engine for Unreal version : Version 2.0 - H19.5.368
OS : Windows 10(10.0.19043)

"Input Type" is "Landscape Input" and in Unreal Editor it is Landscape like 0.png picture.

After creating a 4k x 3k non-square Landscape at the World Partition level, and sending the Heightfield to Houdini, some sections of the Heightfield are abnormally expressed as shown below.(In the red box of the 1.png file)

However, if you modify the contents of "HapiSetHeightFieldData" of "HoudiniEngineUtils.cpp" like the picture below (2.png) without chunking, it will be displayed normally.(3.png)

Remark : This problem only occurs with non-square landscapes. In the landscape of 4k x 4k instead of 4k x 3k, which is the example landscape, it is expressed normally even if chunking is performed. (4.png)
Edited by DaesungKim - Sept. 21, 2022 01:31:32

1.png (1.2 MB)
2.png (54.5 KB)
3.png (1.2 MB)
4.png (1.2 MB)
0.png (521.0 KB)

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Joined: Sept. 2016

Thanks for bringing this up!
Disabling "chunking" fixes the effect of the bug, but not the underlying issue.

The actual issue is not with how "chunking" is performed on the UE plugin side, but in how Houdini Engine actually sets the values of the Heightfields internally when the X/Y sizes differ AND when setting the HF data in multiple calls.
HE was actually incorrectly calculating the starting X value for the data, which caused the offset.

Anyway, that issue was only visible when sending a non-square HF in multiple chunks, and will be fixed in tomorrow's build of Houdini (the fix is on the HAPI side, so installing the new version of H is needed, there's no fix in the plugin code).
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