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Joined: Dec. 2023
Hello there.
I havent touch Houndini fx yet, but i d like to use it for short films.
I have use Blender for almost 4 years, i have tried ue5, i usue iclone 8 for character animations
Can you suggest me some tutorials (paid or free) so that i ll have a robust learning experience> I dont want to waste my time jumping from one tutorial to another blindly.
From my understanding i have to learn procedural environment creation, fire and water siimulations, explosions and destructions, cloth simulations and of course rendering
Thanks for your time
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Joined: May 2021
Two really great content creators/teachers are Chris Bohm at https://www.houdini-course.com/ [www.houdini-course.com] and Tyler Bay over at https://www.cgforge.com/start. [www.cgforge.com] I'd start with Chris first, as he goes over all of the basics in most of the systems you'd need to learn.
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If you want a deep and thorough understanding of the geometry essentials I'd also recommend https://www.hipflask.how/ [www.hipflask.how]
There are some fundamentals you'll want to understand - for example: Houdini defines points, vertices and primitives in a different way to most other DCC's.
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Applied Houdini is pretty good for all around FX. For specialized topics, you can pick and choose individually online as there is no single resource that's best at every area.

For VEX, I can recommend my own course Pragmatic VEX: Volume 1 [www.pragmatic-vfx.com]

Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
Get to the NEXT level in Houdini & VEX with Pragmatic VEX! [www.pragmatic-vfx.com]

youtube.com/@pragmaticvfx | patreon.com/animatrix | pragmaticvfx.gumroad.com
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