"Best Practice" question

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New to Houdini and loving the procedural aspect of it.

I'm currently working on a practice project where I'm fracturing a portion of a sphere.

What I've done is taken a sphere, added a scatter and a voronoifracture and then added a group and a couple of delete nodes.

One delete node is for the static pieces, the other delete node is for the piece I am fracturing.

What I want to do is to be able to reference the PASSIVE_GEOMETRY node (null for reference) up one level so I can have everything be procedural.

What is the best practice to do this and am I on the right track?

best_practices_nodes.png (65.6 KB)

Reel Inpsirations
Houdini Work in Progress [vimeo.com]
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not sure what you mean by reference the PASSIVE_GEOMETRY node…up one level"
what are you trying to do?
Michael Goldfarb | www.odforce.net
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What I'm trying to do is keep everything procedural so I can use a single piece of geometry along with a scatter node and a couple of delete nodes to differentiate between the area I want to be static and the area I want to be dynamic.

I have a null that I put at the end of the static_pieces chain of nodes and was hoping to somehow reference that ‘selection’ somewhere ‘above’ the network so I could use the RBD Fracture shelf tool on the sphere_fracture and not mess up my static pieces.

Maybe I'm overthinking it.

I'm new to Houdini so I don't know how things work and the best way to accomplish something. I come from a programming background so understanding the procedural-ness of Houdini is fairly easy and exciting.

fracture_test_v003.hiplc (259.8 KB)

Reel Inpsirations
Houdini Work in Progress [vimeo.com]
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that file is not loading for me
do you remember when you downloaded and installed that version of Houdini?
we've had some issues with corrupted installers over the weekend - it's possible that the saved file isn't being written properly

or maybe try zipping the file and uploading it again

Michael Goldfarb | www.odforce.net
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ok we fixed the file - it got corrupted on upload….

if I'm understanding you correctly…
you want to use the RBD Fracture shelf tool on the sphere_fracture and have it not effect the PASSIVE_GEOMETRY…
in the sphere_fracture object just make sure that you put the Display Flag on the branch you want to be used for the fracture

check out the file - I've made a few little changes


fracture_test_v003_edit.hiplc (263.0 KB)

Michael Goldfarb | www.odforce.net
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Thanks for that.

So, how do I work it so I can still use/display the geometry of my static pieces using the same sphere?

My goal is to be able to use a piece of geometry, created or imported, fracture it into big pieces, then decide what is static, what is dynamic.

I want to be able to reference the static pieces for other operations that I might want to do.

That way, I'll have an asset I can use for multiple things.


Reel Inpsirations
Houdini Work in Progress [vimeo.com]
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you might want to create an HDA that has a top level parameter that allows you to pick/list the groups that should be static and those that should be dynamic
Michael Goldfarb | www.odforce.net
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