duck typing in vex

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hi all

i am trying to get duck typing behavior in vex where I can scale a space seperated user selection of point attrs regardless of type
this wrangle code is working but it relies on predefined variables and would need extending for matrices and arrays ect
anybody have a nicer solution?
cheers in advance

string attrs[] = split( chs("attrs") );
string pattrs[] = detailintrinsic(geoself(), "pointattributes");
string a;
string pa;
int type = 0;
int typesize;
int tmpi = 0;
float tmpf = 0.0;
vector tmpv = {0,0,0};
foreach(a; attrs)
    foreach(pa; pattrs)
        if( pa == a )
                type = pointattribtype( geoself(), a );
                typesize = pointattribsize( geoself(), a );
                if (type == 0)
                        tmpi = point( geoself(), a, @ptnum  );
                        setpointattrib( geoself(), a, @ptnum, tmpi * ch("scale"), "set");
                if (type == 1)
                        if (typesize == 3)
                            tmpv = point( geoself(), a, @ptnum  );
                            setpointattrib( geoself(), a, @ptnum, tmpv * ch("scale"), "set");
                            tmpf = point( geoself(), a, @ptnum  );
                            setpointattrib( geoself(), a, @ptnum, tmpf * ch("scale"), "set");
Edited by megasets - Jan. 4, 2017 09:07:35
Sam Swift-Glasman
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Five AI
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Am I reading this right? You are storing attributes for points as a string array detail attribute? Why don't you just put the attributes on points to begin with? It will make processing them a lot simpler.
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