rigging wires for connectors on a motherboard

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I am new to Houdini and would like to get some advice about this. My project is to disconnect a connector and animate it with wires connected to it. They are constrained on the other end. I have tried the wire solver but I am having trouble getting the look I want. It is difficult to make it so the wires don't bounce or spring. I haven't done much with bones but I am wondering if that would be a better way to go.
Thanks for your help
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Probably chain bones driven by curves with ctrl points, much like a spine, would be a better solution, but it's really a guess since only you know how you want to animate.
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Thanks, would you know of any tutorial that would show how to do this?
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Joined: Dec. 2006
Some examples how to build curves via bones, path CV
and the great nurbs revert trick for mass connections…
Edited by matthias_k - Jan. 14, 2018 17:32:37

tentacles.hip (173.5 KB)
cable_curves.hip (543.6 KB)

English is not my native language, sorry in advance for any misunderstanding :-)
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