Vellum - extra geometry from Vellum Solver

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Joined: Dec. 2016
Hi all,
I think I won't be able to wrap my head around this by myself.
I've noticed that when I apply two different materials to a primitive that I later animate using Vellum I got an “extra” geometry rendered on top of my regular one. When I backtrack my steps everything seems to be fine till the Vellum Solver node which apparently adds and extra copy of the existing geometry.
Normally I don't not care because I just apply a material node after the Vellum Solver (one material to everything) but what if I want to have a few different materials on different primitives?
Does anyone know how can I avoid rendering this extra geometry? Applying a transparent material (using the Vellumobject1 in the Material - Group Tab) doesn't solve the problem.
I am sure I am doing something wrong but I have no clue what I am doing wrong.

Best regards,
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