I was on #odforce the other day, and a developer named wde was asking around to see how to make houdini a better modeler. While I love the idea of making houdini better in this category, we kept hitting dead ends with no major conclusive feature that would help houdini. However, since that time, I have thought of this feature!

There should be a SOP, which I will refer to as “polyObject” with similar polygon modeling tools as 3D Studio Max's poly object tools, shown here [oman3d.com] and Maya's polygon modeling tools. In the parameters for this polyObject, it could have different sections for different operations, just like the new (and might I say awesome!) sculpt modeling tool. The key to this modeling object is that, like the sculpt tool, it should have no history similar to the sculpt tool, although it doesn't need to be exactly the same (maybe you'd need to convert your model to a polyObject, I think that would be best).
Also, it could have different tabs or sections for different categories like the sculpt tool. The categories I came up with were: Selection, Operations and Tools. I've outlined my ideas for the items that I think should be part of these sections:
- Vertex / Edge / Face / Object
- Grow / Shrink
- Edge Ring / Edge Loop
- Move loop up / Move loop down
- Select outline
- Extrude Edge / Extrude Face
- Smooth Lvl 1 / Smooth Lvl 2
- Delete Vertex / Remove Vertex
- Delete Edge / Remove Edge
- Bevel Edge / Chamfer Vertex
- Merge Vertices / Merge Object
- Duplicate Faces
- Knife Faces
- Split Polygons
- Draw Faces
- Split Edge rings
- Merge Vertices
Okay, that's enough stuff for one post, let me comment on some of the items here, going down from “selection”. The vertex, edge, face, object buttons are pretty important. I don't know what you call those tiny, indistinct pixels, errrr, buttons, on the left hand corner but to me those things are ridiculous to use in a fast paced workflow such as modeling. The polyObject should have its own big, distinct, Vertex/Edge/Face buttons

Before maya 8 was released I was skeptical that maya would go downhill because of Alias' buyout. Now that maya 8 has come out and confirmed these fears 110%, I really really want to migrate to Houdini, but modeling is without a doubt the biggest fear of mine. I can still model in maya, but I don't necessarily want to do all of my models in maya. Please integrate this polyObject idea, if not only for me and my tired typing fingers

Before any of you developers stop reading this I want to say three things. One: if you're thinking, “I dunno, it might be a useless feature, what if no one likes it” You're wrong!