Karma Gold . pyro geo light

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Hi, i'm new here

has someone have experrice about karma?

i can't set pyro to geo light , even pyro fire doesn't affect GI to another pyro ( like smoke ),as you can see in the picture, the light affects smoke but the fire doesn't.

i shoud say i used karma pyro material which sets pyro shader in geo light even i used render geometry setting in LOP for active geo light , but none of them worked.

Screenshot 2023-12-09 143530.png (845.1 KB)

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Couldn't you convert the pyro VDB to a mesh, use that as your geo light, but not render the geometry?
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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Couldn't you convert the pyro VDB to a mesh, use that as your geo light, but not render the geometry?
i can , but i was looking for feature like Geo Light in Mantra, because it doesn't need to extra process like convert pyro to mesh for getting it to geo light.
also i am wondered why they put ' karma material properties' in the karma pyro shader and they turned on ' treat as light source ' If it does not work at all.
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it works for me out of the box in Karma CPU, so more or less equivalent to Mantra as you mentioned

for XPU treat as light property on volume geometry or material doesn't seem to have any effect, but you can increase Volume Limit to 1+ to at least get bruteforce GI on volumes
Tomas Slancik
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Method Studios, NY
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I've noticed the the same thing: Karma XPU ignores Treat As light Source settings but it works as expected in CPU. I guess this is more a question for SideFX, are there plans to implement this in XPU, or is this just a limitation of the GPU engine?
Edited by AndyW - March 8, 2024 20:44:55
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use "Render Geometry settings" node and enable "Light->Treat As Light Source"
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Works in Karma CPU, not in XPU.
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Volume geometry lights aren't supported in XPU (https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/solaris/karma_xpu.html [www.sidefx.com] see 'Lighting' section for more detail)
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The question is not is it supported, the question is will it be and if so not why not.
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