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TOTAL DURATION: 1h 53m 39s
KineFX is Houdini’s toolset for rigging, animation and motion editing. Within the KineFX rigging framework, APEX graphs are used to represent the rig logic. APEX (All-Purpose EXecution) is a graph evaluation framework that builds and runs graphs and then fetches their results.
Starting with a review of KineFX, this course will cover topics such as geometry/skeleton prep, parms, properties, tags and APEX Auto Rig Components.
madrenderman 4 months ago |
vstevenson 4 months ago |
This is really wonderful and the way I wish nearly all of the Houdini learning material was presented. Very clear, no umms, no uhhhs, no goofups (yet). Explanations that are thorough and fundamental are very welcome. This would have been GOLD when I was first starting out. I'm sure many others feel the same way. Thanks, Michael.
Eroc999 3 months, 4 weeks ago |
so good! looking forward to more.
theshizon 3 months, 2 weeks ago |
Box doesnt move in the example file Houdini 20.5.278. So frustrating trying to learn animation in Houdini and the example file doesn't work. From the autorigcomponent_DEFORM node. Any ideas why?
theshizon 3 months, 2 weeks ago |
I was using an older version. I guess a lot of functionality was lost between. I updated to the version that he's using in the tutorial and it works. "shrug"
DarrynRogers 3 months, 1 week ago |
This was very clearly explained. Thanks!
evanrudefx 2 months, 3 weeks ago |
Hello, pretty sure there is a mistake in video 6. when he sets the guide properties he sets the attribute name as "parm" but it should be "properties". Otherwise it has no effect.
nikolaibalashov71 2 months ago |
it's amazing!!!!!!!!!!
Manuko 1 month ago |
Very helpfull, thank you.
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