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1 /*
2  * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to
3  * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced,
4  * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission.
5  *
6  * NAME: GUI_DisplayOption.h ( GUI Library, C++)
7  *
8  * COMMENTS: This class contains the options for all the different types
9  * of details (templates, footprints, etc.) and options that
10  * are common to them.
11  */
13 #ifndef __GUI_DisplayOption__
14 #define __GUI_DisplayOption__
16 #include "GUI_API.h"
17 #include <UT/UT_Rect.h>
18 #include <UT/UT_Vector2.h>
19 #include <UT/UT_UniquePtr.h>
20 #include <RE/RE_RenderContext.h>
21 #include <RE/RE_TextureMap.h>
22 #include <UI/UI_Value.h>
23 #include <GR/GR_Defines.h>
24 #include <GR/GR_CommonDispOption.h>
25 #include <GR/GR_DisplayOption.h>
26 #include "GUI_RenderCommon.h"
28 #ifdef USE_VULKAN
29 #include <RV/RV_Type.h>
30 class RV_Render;
31 #endif
33 class OPUI_RotoscopeData;
34 class GR_DisplayOption;
36 const int GUI_NUM_DISPLAY_SETS = 6;
40 /// Context specific display options for geometry states
42 {
46  // ---- obj/model break
50 };
53  bool METHOD##Any() const \
54  { return ((*this)[GUI_SCENE_OBJECT].METHOD() || \
57  (*this)[GUI_DISPLAY_MODEL].METHOD() || \
58  (*this)[GUI_CURRENT_MODEL].METHOD() || \
59  (*this)[GUI_TEMPLATE_MODEL].METHOD()); }
62 /// Display options object that contains all high-level viewport display
63 /// settings, and contains the objects with context-specific display options
64 /// and common drawing options.
66 {
67 public:
68  GUI_DisplayOption(bool for_lops_view);
73  /// Context-specific geometry-specific display options. If a display set
74  /// follows another set, it will be remapped to return that set.
75  /// @{
77  { return *myDisplaySet[myDisplaySetMap[type]]; }
79  { return *myDisplaySet[myDisplaySetMap[type]]; }
80  /// @}
82  /// Direct cccess to the display set, without any mapping.
84  { return *myDisplaySet[type]; }
86  /// Low-level drawing display options common to all geometry contexts
87  /// @{
88  const GR_CommonDispOption &common() const { return myCommonOptions; }
89  GR_CommonDispOption &common() { return myCommonOptions; }
90  /// @}
92  /// Return true if the load/save was successful, and false otherwise.
93  /// @{
94  bool save(std::ostream &) const;
95  bool load(UT_IStream &);
96  /// @}
98  /// Remap the display option set to another set.
101  { myDisplaySetMap[follower] = reference; }
103  /// Query which display set this set is following. If none, it will refer
104  /// to itself.
106  { return myDisplaySetMap[t]; }
108  /// Scene custom display option support - set and query scene options
109  /// @{
110  void enableSceneOption(const char *name, bool enable);
111  bool isSceneOptionEnabled(const char *name) const;
112  /// @}
115  { myRenderType = t; }
116  GR_RenderVersion getRenderType() const { return myRenderType; }
118  // These flags are stored here because they deal with different concepts
119  // unknown to GR. The flags at the GR level should only be used by GR when
120  // it renders a specific detail.
121  bool showSelected() const { return myFlags.showSelected; }
122  bool showNonSelected() const { return myFlags.showNonSelected; }
123  bool showTemplates() const { return myFlags.showTemplates; }
124  bool showFootprints() const { return myFlags.showFootprints; }
125  bool showCurrentOutput() const { return myFlags.showCurrentOutput; }
126  bool showDisplay() const { return myFlags.showDisplay; }
127  bool showGuides() const { return myFlags.showGuides; }
128  bool showObjectNames() const { return myFlags.showObjectNames; }
129  bool showFullNames() const { return myFlags.showFullNames; }
130  bool drawOrigin() const { return myFlags.drawOrigin; }
131  bool drawStickyOrigin() const { return myFlags.drawStickyOrigin; }
132  bool drawViewPivot() const { return myFlags.drawViewPivot; }
133  bool drawWalls() const { return myFlags.drawWalls; }
134  bool drawXYPlane() const { return myFlags.drawXYPlane; }
135  bool drawXZPlane() const { return myFlags.drawXZPlane; }
136  bool drawYZPlane() const { return myFlags.drawYZPlane; }
137  bool drawFieldGuide() const { return myFlags.drawFieldGuide; }
138  bool drawSafeArea() const { return myFlags.drawSafeArea; }
139  bool drawBackgrounds() const { return myFlags.drawBackgrounds; }
140  bool drawEnvironmentMaps() const
141  { return myFlags.drawEnvironmentMaps; }
143  { return myFlags.drawFilteredBackgrounds; }
144  bool showIKCriticalZones() const
145  { return myFlags.showIKCriticalZones; }
146  bool getDrawCameraMask() const
147  { return myFlags.drawCameraMask; }
148  bool drawBadges() const { return myFlags.drawBadges; }
150  bool drawVertexAttrib2D() const
151  { return myFlags.drawVertexAttrib2D; }
153  { return myFlags.autoDetectAttribType2D; }
155  bool drawSpecular() const { return myFlags.drawSpecular; }
156  bool drawMultiTexture() const { return common().drawMultiTexture();}
158  bool applySelectMask() const { return myFlags.applySelectMask; }
160  bool drawXRay() const { return myFlags.drawXRay; }
161  bool xrayQuality() const { return myFlags.xrayQuality; }
162  bool drawObjectOrigins() const { return myFlags.drawObjOrigins; }
163  bool showMaterials() const { return common().showMaterials(); }
164  bool useMaterialOverrides() const { return myFlags.useOverrides; }
165  bool mssEnable() const { return myFlags.mssEnable; }
166  bool mssPerPrim() const { return myFlags.mssPerPrim; }
167  bool mssPacked() const { return myFlags.mssPacked; }
168  int objectMaterialLimit() const { return myObjectMaterialLimit; }
169  fpreal xrayWireStrength() const { return myXRayWireStrength; }
172  {
173  MAT_ALWAYS = 0,
175  MAT_MANUAL = 2
176  };
177  gui_MatAssignMode materialAssignMode() const { return myMatAssignMode; }
179  { myMatAssignMode = mode; }
180  bool materialUpdate() const { return myMatUpdate; }
181  void materialUpdate(bool update) { myMatUpdate = update; }
184  // the threshold a shading mode is set to change when modifying view
186  void showSelected(bool onoff) { myFlags.showSelected =onoff;}
187  void showNonSelected(bool onoff) { myFlags.showNonSelected =onoff;}
188  void showTemplates(bool onoff) { myFlags.showTemplates =onoff;}
189  void showFootprints(bool onoff) { myFlags.showFootprints =onoff;}
190  void showCurrentOutput(bool onoff)
191  { myFlags.showCurrentOutput = onoff;}
192  void showDisplay(bool onoff) { myFlags.showDisplay =onoff;}
193  void showGuides(bool onoff) { myFlags.showGuides =onoff;}
194  void showObjectNames(bool onoff) { myFlags.showObjectNames =onoff;}
195  void showFullNames(bool onoff) { myFlags.showFullNames =onoff;}
196  void drawOrigin(bool onoff) { myFlags.drawOrigin =onoff;}
197  void drawStickyOrigin(bool onoff) { myFlags.drawStickyOrigin=onoff;}
198  void drawViewPivot(bool onoff) { myFlags.drawViewPivot =onoff;}
199  void drawWalls(bool onoff) { myFlags.drawWalls =onoff;}
200  void drawXYPlane(bool onoff) { myFlags.drawXYPlane =onoff;}
201  void drawXZPlane(bool onoff) { myFlags.drawXZPlane =onoff;}
202  void drawYZPlane(bool onoff) { myFlags.drawYZPlane =onoff;}
203  void drawFieldGuide(bool onoff) { myFlags.drawFieldGuide =onoff;}
204  void drawSafeArea(bool onoff) { myFlags.drawSafeArea =onoff;}
205  void drawBackgrounds(bool onoff) { myFlags.drawBackgrounds =onoff;}
206  void drawEnvironmentMaps(bool onoff)
207  { myFlags.drawEnvironmentMaps =onoff;}
208  void drawFilteredBackgrounds(bool onoff)
209  { myFlags.drawFilteredBackgrounds=onoff;}
210  void showIKCriticalZones(bool onoff)
211  { myFlags.showIKCriticalZones =onoff;}
212  void setDrawCameraMask(bool onoff)
213  { myFlags.drawCameraMask =onoff;}
214  void drawBadges(bool onoff) { myFlags.drawBadges =onoff;}
215  void drawVertexAttrib2D(bool onoff)
216  { myFlags.drawVertexAttrib2D = onoff; }
217  void autoDetectAttribType2D(bool onoff)
218  { myFlags.autoDetectAttribType2D = onoff; }
219  void drawSpecular(bool onoff)
220  { myFlags.drawSpecular = onoff; }
221  void drawMultiTexture(bool onoff)
222  { common().drawMultiTexture(onoff); }
223  void applySelectMask(bool onoff)
224  { myFlags.applySelectMask = onoff; }
225  void drawXRay(bool xray) { myFlags.drawXRay = xray; }
226  void xrayQuality(bool q) { myFlags.xrayQuality = q; }
227  void xrayWireStrength(fpreal w) { myXRayWireStrength = w; }
228  void drawObjectOrigins(bool org) { myFlags.drawObjOrigins = org; }
229  void showMaterials(bool show) { common().showMaterials(show); }
230  void useMaterialOverrides(bool ovr) { myFlags.useOverrides = ovr; }
231  void mssEnable(bool mss) { myFlags.mssEnable = mss; }
232  void mssPerPrim(bool mpp) { myFlags.mssPerPrim = mpp; }
233  void mssPacked(bool mp) { myFlags.mssPacked = mp; }
235  { myObjectMaterialLimit=SYSmax(1,m); }
237  void handleHighlightSize(int hl)
238  { myHandleHighlightSize = SYSclamp(hl, 0, 2); }
239  int handleHighlightSize() const { return myHandleHighlightSize; }
241  { myOriginGnomonSize = SYSmax(size, 0.0); }
242  fpreal originGnomonSize() const { return myOriginGnomonSize; }
244  { myFloatingGnomonSize = SYSmax(size, 0.0); }
245  fpreal floatingGnomonSize() const { return myFloatingGnomonSize; }
247  /// set/query enable/disable of shading mode change
248  /// @{
249  void moveModeOn(bool onoff) { myMoveModeOn = onoff; }
250  bool moveModeOn() const { return myMoveModeOn; }
251  /// @}
253  void setUVMapFile(const UT_StringRef &uvmap);
254  const UT_StringRef &getUVMapFile() const { return myUVMapFile; }
256  void setUVMapScale(fpreal scale);
257  fpreal getUVMapScale() const { return myUVMapScale; }
259  /// Rotoscoping background image set/query methods
260  /// @{
261  RE_TextureHolder getRotoTexture(RE_Render *r,
263  float &quality,
264  float &aspect_ratio,
265  UT_DimRect *udim_area = nullptr) const;
267 #ifdef USE_VULKAN
268  bool getRotoVkTexture(RV_Render *r,
269  RV_TextureRef &tex_ref,
270  RV_ImageDim &tex_type,
272  float &quality,
273  float &aspect_ratio) const;
274 #endif
277  void getRotoResolution(GUI_RotoView type, UT_Vector2i &res);
279  bool setRotoFileParms(GUI_RotoView type,
280  const char *file, float quality);
281  bool setRotoCopParms(GUI_RotoView type,
282  const char *path, float quality);
283  void setRotoSource(GUI_RotoView type,bool file);
285  void setRotoTime(fpreal t);
286  bool isRotoTimeDependent(GUI_RotoView type) const;
288  fpreal getRotoQuality() const;
289  void setRotoQuality(fpreal q);
291  void setRotoPath(GUI_RotoView type,
292  bool file_path, const char *path);
293  bool isRotoFile(GUI_RotoView type) const;
294  const char *getRotoCopPath(GUI_RotoView type) const;
295  const char *getRotoFilePath(GUI_RotoView type) const;
297  UI_Value &getRotoCopCookNotify(GUI_RotoView type);
298  UI_Value &getRotoCopNameChangeNotify(GUI_RotoView type);
300  void setForegroundImageEnable(bool enable)
301  { myFlags.showForegroundImage = enable; }
303  { return myFlags.showForegroundImage; }
304  void setForegroundImage(const UT_StringRef &file_node_path)
305  { myFGImage = file_node_path; }
306  const UT_StringRef &getForegroundImage() const { return myFGImage; }
307  void setForegroundImageDepth(bool enable)
308  { myFlags.useForegroundDepth = enable; }
310  { return myFlags.useForegroundDepth; }
312  { myFGDepthPlane = plane; }
314  { return myFGDepthPlane; }
316  {
322  };
324  { myFGDepthStyle = style; }
326  { return myFGDepthStyle; }
328  void foregroundOpacity(fpreal opacity)
329  { myFGOpacity = SYSclamp(opacity, 0.0, 1.0); }
331  { return myFGOpacity; }
333  void getImageMinUV(float arr[2]) const
334  {
335  arr[0] = myImageMinUV[0];
336  arr[1] = myImageMinUV[1];
337  }
338  void setImageMinUV(float arr[2])
339  {
340  myImageMinUV[0] = arr[0];
341  myImageMinUV[1] = arr[1];
342  }
343  void getImageMaxUV(float arr[2]) const
344  {
345  arr[0] = myImageMaxUV[0];
346  arr[1] = myImageMaxUV[1];
347  }
348  void setImageMaxUV(float arr[2])
349  {
350  myImageMaxUV[0] = arr[0];
351  myImageMaxUV[1] = arr[1];
352  }
354  void getImageOffset(GUI_RotoView view, float arr[2]) const
355  {
356  arr[0] = myRotoViews[view].myImageOffset[0];
357  arr[1] = myRotoViews[view].myImageOffset[1];
358  }
359  void setImageOffset(GUI_RotoView view, float arr[2])
360  {
361  myRotoViews[view].myImageOffset[0] = arr[0];
362  myRotoViews[view].myImageOffset[1] = arr[1];
363  }
364  void getImageScale(GUI_RotoView view, float arr[2]) const
365  {
366  arr[0] = myRotoViews[view].myImageScale[0];
367  arr[1] = myRotoViews[view].myImageScale[1];
368  }
369  void setImageScale(GUI_RotoView view, float arr[2])
370  {
371  myRotoViews[view].myImageScale[0] = arr[0];
372  myRotoViews[view].myImageScale[1] = arr[1];
373  }
376  { return myRotoViews[view].myOpacity; }
377  void setOpacity(GUI_RotoView view, float opacity)
378  { myRotoViews[view].myOpacity = opacity; }
380  enum class ImageFitMode
381  {
382  /// Fit the image so that the horizontal dimension fits within the viewport
383  /// _________
384  /// ||_________||
385  /// || ||
386  /// ||_________||
387  /// ||_________||
388  ///
389  HORIZONTAL = 0,
391  /// Fit the image so that the vertical dimension fits within the viewport
392  /// ___ _________ ___
393  /// | || || |
394  /// | || || |
395  /// | || || |
396  /// |___||_________||___|
397  ///
400  /// Stretch the image to fit within the viewport
401  /// _________
402  /// || ||
403  /// || ||
404  /// || ||
405  /// ||_________||
406  ///
407  FILL,
409  /// Scale the image to so that the longest dimension fits within the viewport
410  /// _________
411  /// ||_________||
412  /// || ||
413  /// ||_________||
414  /// ||_________||
415  ///
416  SCALE,
419  };
421  ImageFitMode
423  { return myRotoViews[view].myImageFitMode; }
425  { myRotoViews[view].myImageFitMode = fit_mode; }
428  { return myRotoViews[view].myBrightness; }
429  void setBrightness(GUI_RotoView view, float brightness)
430  { myRotoViews[view].myBrightness = brightness; }
432  void autoPlaceImage(GUI_RotoView view, bool onoff)
433  { myRotoViews[view].myAutoPlaceImage = onoff; }
435  { return myRotoViews[view].myAutoPlaceImage; }
437  void envMapImage(GUI_RotoView view, bool onoff)
438  { myRotoViews[view].myEnvMapImage = onoff; }
440  { return myRotoViews[view].myEnvMapImage; }
442  int isRotoFileVideo(GUI_RotoView view) const;
444  int getRotoVideoClipStartFrame(GUI_RotoView view) const;
445  void setRotoVideoClipStartFrame(GUI_RotoView view, int start_frame);
447  int getRotoVideoClipEndFrame(GUI_RotoView view) const;
448  void setRotoVideoClipEndFrame(GUI_RotoView view, int end_frame);
450  fpreal getRotoVideoPlaybackStartFrame(GUI_RotoView view) const;
451  void setRotoVideoPlaybackStartFrame(GUI_RotoView view, fpreal start_frame);
453  fpreal getRotoVideoPlaybackSpeed(GUI_RotoView view) const;
454  void setRotoVideoPlaybackSpeed(GUI_RotoView view, fpreal speed);
456  const char * getRotoVideoColorSpace(GUI_RotoView view) const;
457  void setRotoVideoColorSpace(GUI_RotoView view, const char *color_space);
459  bool getRotoVideoFrameRateEnabled(GUI_RotoView view) const;
460  void setRotoVideoFrameRateEnabled(GUI_RotoView view, bool enabled);
462  fpreal getRotoVideoFrameRate(GUI_RotoView view) const;
463  void setRotoVideoFrameRate(GUI_RotoView view, fpreal frame_rate);
465  int getRotoVideoRotation(GUI_RotoView view) const;
466  bool getRotoVideoIsRotated(GUI_RotoView view) const;
468  bool getRotoVideoIsTopFirst(GUI_RotoView view) const;
470  int getRotoVideoSourceFrameCount(GUI_RotoView view) const;
471  fpreal getRotoVideoSourceFrameRate(GUI_RotoView view) const;
473  void setUseFixedImageRes(bool use_fixed)
474  { myUseFixedImageRes = use_fixed; }
475  bool getUseFixedImageRes() const
476  { return myUseFixedImageRes; }
477  void setUseViewportRes(bool use_vp)
478  { myUseViewportRes = use_vp; }
479  bool getUseViewportRes() const
480  { return myUseViewportRes; }
481  void setFixedImageRes(int w, int h)
482  {
483  if(myForLopsView)
484  myFixedImageRes.assign(w,h);
485  }
487  { return myForLopsView ? myFixedImageRes : UT_Vector2i(0,0); }
488  void setCurrentImageRes(int w, int h)
489  { myCurrentImageRes.assign(w,h); }
491  { return myForLopsView ? myCurrentImageRes :UT_Vector2i(0,0); }
493  { myImageResFraction =fraction; }
495  { return myImageResFraction; }
497  bool getCameraCropMask() const { return myCameraCropMask; }
498  void setCameraCropMask(bool crop) { myCameraCropMask = crop; }
500  static const char *getRotoViewName(GUI_RotoView view);
501  /// @}
503  /// Methods to query/change the scale at which handles are drawn.
504  /// @{
505  static float getHandleScale() { return theHandleScale; }
506  static void setHandleScale(float v)
507  { theHandleScale = SYSclamp(v, 0.01f, 1.0f); }
508  /// @}
510  // This method is called when user options are being destroyed.
511  void removeUserOption(int option_id);
513  /// Refresh the cached version keys for the enabled user options to reflect
514  /// the most up-to-date version.
515  void refreshUserOptionVersions();
517  /// State which switches the geometry context display options between the
518  /// Scene and Model display sets. When at the object level, the scene is
519  /// used.
520  /// @{
521  bool isObjectLevel() const { return myNoSaveFlags.isObjectLevel; }
522  void setObjectLevel(bool onoff);
523  /// @}
525  /// The select mask is set when the user is in a "select" state to
526  /// automatically turn on some decorations. The mask is used to
527  /// temporarily tweak the appropriate display options, and does not,
528  /// in and of itself, invalidate display lists.
529  /// @{
530  unsigned getSelectMask() const { return mySelectMask; }
531  void setSelectMask(unsigned mask) { mySelectMask = mask; }
532  /// @}
534  /// This value is changed when the scene is switched from obj to sop/dop
535  /// level.
536  UI_Value &getObjectLevelNotify() { return myObjectLevelNotify; }
538  /// For the OpenGL ROP only: Allows a single stereo camera to be rendered.
540  {
544  };
546  /// Allow rendering of a single stereo camera eye.
547  /// @{
549  { myStereoPass = pass; }
550  bool isStereoLeftRender() const
551  { return (myStereoPass == GUI_DISP_STEREO_BOTH ||
552  myStereoPass == GUI_DISP_STEREO_LEFT); }
553  bool isStereoRightRender() const
554  { return (myStereoPass == GUI_DISP_STEREO_BOTH ||
555  myStereoPass == GUI_DISP_STEREO_RIGHT); }
556  /// @}
558  /// Returns true if any of the geometry contexts have this option set.
559  /// @{
560  ANY_FLAG_ACTIVE_IN_SETS(drawPointCoincident);
561  ANY_FLAG_ACTIVE_IN_SETS(drawPointMarkers);
562  ANY_FLAG_ACTIVE_IN_SETS(uvFillOverlap);
563  /// @}
565  /// Auto-select quality/preformance presets based on hardware queries.
566  /// Only works at startup.
567  void updateOptionsForHardware(RE_RenderContext r);
570  /// Returns true if the passed options are compatible with these options,
571  /// meaning that update() does not need to be called on GR_Primitives if
572  /// 'opt' is used after this option. This could happen if 'opt' had a marker
573  /// on that required an attribute that this options set does not.
574  bool compatibleWith(const GUI_DisplayOption &opt) const;
577  void setHeadlightIntensity(fpreal i);
578  fpreal getHeadlightIntensity() const { return myHeadlightIntensity; }
580  void setHeadlightDirection(UT_Vector3D dir);
581  UT_Vector3D getHeadlightDirection() const { return myHeadlightDir; }
583  void setHeadlightSpecular(bool use_spec);
584  bool getHeadlightSpecular() const { return myHeadlightSpec; }
586  void setHeadlightHighQuality(bool hq) { myHeadlightHQ = hq; }
587  bool getHeadlightHighQuality() const { return myHeadlightHQ; }
589  void setHQLightLimit(int nlights) { myHQLightLimit = nlights; }
590  int getHQLightLimit() const { return myHQLightLimit; }
591  bool hasHQLightLimit() const { return myHQLightLimit > 0; }
592  void setShadowMapMemMB(int mem) { myShadowMapMemMB = SYSmax(1,mem);}
593  int getShadowMapMemMB() const { return myShadowMapMemMB;}
595  { myShadowMapGenTime=SYSmax(0.0,t); }
596  fpreal getShadowMapGenTime() const { return myShadowMapGenTime; }
597  void setLightSamplingLimit(int limit) {myLightSampleLimit = limit;}
598  int getLightSamplingLimit() const { return myLightSampleLimit; }
599  bool hasLightSamplingLimit() const { return myLightSampleLimit>0; }
601  { myFlags.myFastHQIntLight = e; }
603  { return myFlags.myFastHQIntLight; }
605  void setDOFEnable(bool dof) { myFlags.dofEnable = dof; }
606  bool isDOFEnabled() const { return myFlags.dofEnable; }
607  enum DOFBokeh
608  {
612  };
613  void setDOFBokeh(DOFBokeh b) { myDOFBokeh = b; }
614  DOFBokeh getDOFBokeh() const { return myDOFBokeh; }
615  void setDOFTexture(const UT_StringRef &tex) { myDOFTex = tex; }
616  const UT_StringRef &getDOFTexture() const { return myDOFTex; }
617  fpreal getDOFBokehAspect() const { return myDOFBokehAspect; }
618  void setDOFBokehAspect(fpreal a) { myDOFBokehAspect=SYSmax(a,0.01); }
619  fpreal getDOFBokehBoost() const { return myDOFBokehBoost; }
620  void setDOFBokehBoost(fpreal b) { myDOFBokehBoost = b; }
622  // Uniform fog
623  void setUniformFogEnable(bool fog) { myFlags.uniformFogEnable=fog; }
624  bool isUniformFogEnabled() const { return myFlags.uniformFogEnable;}
625  void setUniformFogDensity(fpreal d) { myUniformFog.myFogDensity=d; }
626  fpreal getUniformFogDensity() const{return myUniformFog.myFogDensity;}
627  void setUniformFogOpacity(fpreal d) { myUniformFog.myFogOpacity=d; }
628  fpreal getUniformFogOpacity() const{return myUniformFog.myFogOpacity;}
630  { myUniformFog.myFogColor = c; }
631  UT_Vector3F getUniformFogColor() const { return myUniformFog.myFogColor; }
632  void setUniformFogStart(fpreal s) { myUniformFog.myFogStart = s; }
633  fpreal getUniformFogStart() const { return myUniformFog.myFogStart; }
634  void setUniformFogEnd(fpreal e) { myUniformFog.myFogEnd = e; }
635  fpreal getUniformFogEnd() const { return myUniformFog.myFogEnd; }
637  { return myUniformFog.myFogHeightMode; }
639  { myUniformFog.myFogHeightMode = SYSclamp(m,-1,1); }
640  fpreal getUniformFogHeight() const { return myUniformFog.myFogHeight;}
641  void setUniformFogHeight(fpreal h) { myUniformFog.myFogHeight = h; }
643  { return myUniformFog.myFogFalloff; }
645  { myUniformFog.myFogFalloff = f; }
647  { myUniformFog.myFogIntensity=SYSmax(0.0,f); }
649  { return myUniformFog.myFogIntensity; }
651  void setUniformFogSunBloom(fpreal f) { myUniformFogSunBloom = f; }
652  fpreal getUniformFogSunBloom() const { return myUniformFogSunBloom; }
653  void setUniformFogUseSun(bool d) { myUniformFogUseSun = d; }
654  bool getUniformFogUseSun() const { return myUniformFogUseSun; }
656  { myUniformFogClipDistance = d; }
658  { return myUniformFogClipDistance; }
661  // Volume Fog
662  void setVolumeFogEnable(bool fog) { myFlags.volumeFogEnable=fog; }
663  bool isVolumeFogEnabled() const { return myFlags.volumeFogEnable;}
664  void setVolumeFogDensity(fpreal d) { myVolumeFog.myFogDensity=d; }
665  fpreal getVolumeFogDensity() const{return myVolumeFog.myFogDensity;}
666  void setVolumeFogOpacity(fpreal d) { myVolumeFog.myFogOpacity=d; }
667  fpreal getVolumeFogOpacity() const{return myVolumeFog.myFogOpacity;}
669  { myVolumeFog.myFogColor = c; }
670  UT_Vector3F getVolumeFogColor() const { return myVolumeFog.myFogColor; }
671  void setVolumeFogStart(fpreal s) { myVolumeFog.myFogStart = s; }
672  fpreal getVolumeFogStart() const { return myVolumeFog.myFogStart; }
673  void setVolumeFogEnd(fpreal e) { myVolumeFog.myFogEnd = e; }
674  fpreal getVolumeFogEnd() const { return myVolumeFog.myFogEnd; }
676  { return myVolumeFog.myFogHeightMode; }
678  { myVolumeFog.myFogHeightMode = SYSclamp(m,-1,1); }
679  fpreal getVolumeFogHeight() const { return myVolumeFog.myFogHeight;}
680  void setVolumeFogHeight(fpreal h) { myVolumeFog.myFogHeight = h; }
682  { return myVolumeFog.myFogFalloff; }
684  { myVolumeFog.myFogFalloff = f; }
686  { myVolumeFog.myFogIntensity=SYSmax(0.0,f); }
688  { return myVolumeFog.myFogIntensity; }
689  int getVolumeFogQuality() const { return myVolumeFogQuality; }
691  { myVolumeFogQuality = SYSclamp(q, 0,3); }
693  {
694  myVolumeFogScatterPara = SYSmax(0.0, para);
695  myVolumeFogScatterPerp = SYSmax(0.0, perp);
696  }
697  void getVolumeFogLightScatter(fpreal &para, fpreal &perp) const
698  {
699  para = myVolumeFogScatterPara;
700  perp = myVolumeFogScatterPerp;
701  }
703  void setBloomEnable(bool e) { myFlags.bloom = e; }
704  bool isBloomEnabled() const { return myFlags.bloom; }
705  void setBloomScale(fpreal sc) { myBloomScale = sc; }
706  fpreal getBloomScale() const { return myBloomScale; }
707  void setBloomIntensity(fpreal i) { myBloomIntensity = i; }
708  fpreal getBloomIntensity() const { return myBloomIntensity; }
709  void setBloomThreshold(fpreal th) { myBloomThreshold = th; }
710  fpreal getBloomThreshold() const { return myBloomThreshold; }
712  void setFogNode(const char *node) { myFogNode = node; }
713  const UT_StringRef &getFogNode() const { return myFogNode; }
716  {
719  };
720  void setDefaultMaterialType(DefaultMaterialType type);
721  void setDefaultMatCapFile(const UT_StringRef &tex_filepath);
722  void setDefaultMatCapIntensity(fpreal intensity);
723  void setDefaultMaterialDiffuse(UT_Color col);
724  void setDefaultMaterialSpecular(UT_Color col);
725  void setDefaultMaterialAmbient(UT_Color col);
726  void setDefaultMaterialEmission(UT_Color col);
727  void setDefaultMaterialRoughness(fpreal rough);
728  void setDefaultMaterialSpecRoughness(fpreal srough);
731  { return myDefaultMatType; }
733  { return myDefaultMatCapFile; }
735  { return myDefaultMatCapIntensity; }
736  UT_Color getDefaultMaterialDiffuse() const { return myDefaultDiffuse; }
737  UT_Color getDefaultMaterialSpecular() const{ return myDefaultSpecular; }
738  UT_Color getDefaultMaterialAmbient() const { return myDefaultAmbient; }
739  UT_Color getDefaultMaterialEmission() const{ return myDefaultEmission; }
740  fpreal getDefaultMaterialRoughness() const{ return myDefaultRough; }
742  { return myDefaultSpecRough; }
744  bool isDefaultMaterialDirty() const{ return myDefaultMaterialDirty;}
745  void clearDefaultMaterialDirty() { myDefaultMaterialDirty=false;}
747  bool isDefaultMatCapDirty() const{ return myDefaultMatCapDirty;}
748  bool clearDefaultMatCapDirty(){ return myDefaultMatCapDirty=false;}
750  void forceMSSUpdate(bool) { myMSSUpdateSerial++; }
751  exint getMSSUpdateSerial() const { return myMSSUpdateSerial; }
753  void getRecommendedTextureLimit(RE_Render *r,
754  int &max2d, int &max3d) const;
755 private:
756  // data:
758  GR_DisplayOption *myDisplaySet[GUI_NUM_DISPLAY_SETS];
759  GUI_DisplaySetType myDisplaySetMap[GUI_NUM_DISPLAY_SETS];
760  GR_CommonDispOption myCommonOptions; // global to viewport
762  float myImageMinUV[2];
763  float myImageMaxUV[2];
765  fpreal myOriginGnomonSize;
766  fpreal myFloatingGnomonSize;
767  int myHandleHighlightSize;
769  static float theHandleScale;
771  UT_Vector3D myHeadlightDir;
772  fpreal myHeadlightIntensity;
773  bool myHeadlightSpec;
774  bool myHeadlightHQ;
776  UT_Color myDefaultDiffuse;
777  UT_Color myDefaultSpecular;
778  UT_Color myDefaultEmission;
779  UT_Color myDefaultAmbient;
780  fpreal myDefaultRough;
781  fpreal myDefaultSpecRough;
782  bool myDefaultMaterialDirty;
784  DefaultMaterialType myDefaultMatType;
785  UT_StringHolder myDefaultMatCapFile;
786  fpreal myDefaultMatCapIntensity;
787  bool myDefaultMatCapDirty;
789  fpreal myXRayWireStrength;
791  struct
792  {
795  float myImageOffset[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f};
796  float myImageScale[2] = {1.0f, 1.0f};
797  float myOpacity = 1.0f;
798  float myBrightness = 1.0f;
799  bool myAutoPlaceImage = false;
800  ImageFitMode myImageFitMode = ImageFitMode::SCALE;
801  bool myEnvMapImage = false;
802  } myRotoViews[GUI_NUM_ROTO_VIEWS];
804  UT_StringHolder myFGImage;
805  UT_StringHolder myFGDepthPlane;
806  FGDepthStyle myFGDepthStyle;
807  fpreal myFGOpacity;
809  unsigned mySelectMask; // mask of entities the user
810  // wants to select. Not saved.
811  struct
812  {
813  unsigned
814  showSelected :1,
815  showNonSelected :1,
816  showTemplates :1,
817  showFootprints :1,
818  showCurrentOutput :1,
819  showDisplay :1,
820  showGuides :1,
821  showObjectNames :1,
822  showFullNames :1,
823  drawOrigin :1,
824  drawStickyOrigin :1,
825  drawViewPivot :1,
826  drawWalls :1, // draw bounding walls
827  drawXYPlane :1, // draw XY reference plane
828  drawXZPlane :1, // draw XZ reference plane
829  drawYZPlane :1, // draw YZ reference plane
830  drawFieldGuide :1,
831  drawSafeArea :1,
832  drawBackgrounds :1, // draw background images
833  drawEnvironmentMaps :1,
834  drawFilteredBackgrounds:1, // filter background in UV viewport.
835  drawVertexAttrib2D :1, // use vertex attribute
836  autoDetectAttribType2D:1, // automatically track the attribute type
837  drawSpecular :1, // specular highlights
838  showIKCriticalZones :1, // inverse kin. danger zones
839  drawCameraMask :1,
840  drawBadges :1, // show viewport status badges
841  drawXRay :1, // allow draw of xray objs
842  xrayQuality :1, // fast/quality xray draw
843  drawObjOrigins :1, // allow draw of obj axes
844  applySelectMask :1, // select mask drives specific decorations
845  useOverrides :1, // Apply material overrides
846  mssEnable :1, // Apply material stylesheets
847  mssPacked :1, // Eval material stylesheets for packed geo
848  mssPerPrim :1, // per-prim material stylesheet eval
849  dofEnable :1, // Depth of field
850  uniformFogEnable :1, // Fog (uniform)
851  volumeFogEnable :1, // Fog (volumetric)
852  bloom :1, // Light bloom
853  showForegroundImage :1, // FG Image
854  useForegroundDepth :1, // Use FG Image depth plane if present
855  myFastHQIntLight :1; // Lower samples in HQ Lighting/interaction
857  } myFlags;
859  struct
860  {
861  unsigned isObjectLevel :1; // Is this an object view?
862  } myNoSaveFlags;
864  // whether shading mode change is enabled/disabled
865  bool myMoveModeOn;
866  int myObjectMaterialLimit;
868  gui_StereoPass myStereoPass;
869  UI_Value myObjectLevelNotify;
870  bool myLoadedDefaults;
871  exint myMSSUpdateSerial;
872  gui_MatAssignMode myMatAssignMode;
873  bool myMatUpdate;
874  bool myForLopsView;
876  int myHQLightLimit;
877  int myLightSampleLimit;
878  int myShadowMapMemMB;
879  fpreal myShadowMapGenTime;
881  UT_IntArray mySceneOptions;
882  UT_Vector2i myFixedImageRes;
883  UT_Vector2i myCurrentImageRes;
884  fpreal myImageResFraction;
885  bool myUseFixedImageRes;
886  bool myUseViewportRes;
887  bool myCameraCropMask;
889  class FogParms
890  {
891  public:
892  FogParms() : myFogColor(1.0,1.0,1.0), myFogDensity(1.0),
893  myFogOpacity(1.0), myFogStart(0.0), myFogEnd(1000.0),
894  myFogHeightMode(0), myFogHeight(100.0),
895  myFogIntensity(1.0), myFogFalloff(10.0)
896  {}
897  UT_Vector3F myFogColor;
898  fpreal myFogDensity;
899  fpreal myFogOpacity;
900  fpreal myFogStart;
901  fpreal myFogEnd;
902  int myFogHeightMode;
903  fpreal myFogHeight;
904  fpreal myFogIntensity;
905  fpreal myFogFalloff;
906  };
907  FogParms myUniformFog;
908  fpreal myUniformFogClipDistance;
909  bool myUniformFogUseSun;
910  fpreal myUniformFogSunBloom;
912  FogParms myVolumeFog;
913  int myVolumeFogQuality;
914  fpreal myVolumeFogScatterPara;
915  fpreal myVolumeFogScatterPerp;
916  UT_StringHolder myFogNode;
918  fpreal myBloomScale;
919  fpreal myBloomIntensity;
920  fpreal myBloomThreshold;
922  DOFBokeh myDOFBokeh;
923  UT_StringHolder myDOFTex;
924  fpreal myDOFBokehAspect;
925  fpreal myDOFBokehBoost;
927  UT_StringHolder myUVMapFile;
928  fpreal myUVMapScale;
929  GR_RenderVersion myRenderType;
930 };
932 #endif
fpreal getUniformFogHeight() const
FGDepthStyle getForegroundDepthStyle() const
bool drawXYPlane() const
#define SYSmax(a, b)
Definition: SYS_Math.h:1570
UI_Value & getObjectLevelNotify()
void drawObjectOrigins(bool org)
bool isStereoRightRender() const
void setForegroundImageDepth(bool enable)
void setCurrentImageRes(int w, int h)
bool getUseFixedImageRes() const
void setVolumeFogStart(fpreal s)
void getImageMinUV(float arr[2]) const
void showFullNames(bool onoff)
fpreal getDefaultMaterialRoughness() const
void showIKCriticalZones(bool onoff)
bool isObjectLevel() const
UT_Color getDefaultMaterialSpecular() const
void drawFilteredBackgrounds(bool onoff)
void setVolumeFogEnable(bool fog)
void setForegroundImageEnable(bool enable)
fpreal xrayWireStrength() const
bool materialUpdate() const
void drawViewPivot(bool onoff)
fpreal getBloomThreshold() const
static float getHandleScale()
fpreal getVolumeFogStart() const
void setVolumeFogQuality(int q)
void setDrawCameraMask(bool onoff)
void mssEnable(bool mss)
void showMaterials(bool show)
const GR_DisplayOption & operator[](GUI_DisplaySetType type) const
const GLdouble * v
Definition: glcorearb.h:837
int getShadowMapMemMB() const
fpreal getHeadlightIntensity() const
fpreal getUniformFogOpacity() const
DefaultMaterialType getDefaultMaterialType() const
void setUseFixedImageRes(bool use_fixed)
float getBrightness(GUI_RotoView view) const
bool drawFilteredBackgrounds() const
void drawWalls(bool onoff)
GLsizei const GLchar *const * path
Definition: glcorearb.h:3341
void foregroundOpacity(fpreal opacity)
UT_Color getDefaultMaterialEmission() const
void drawStickyOrigin(bool onoff)
bool drawObjectOrigins() const
void getImageOffset(GUI_RotoView view, float arr[2]) const
int64 exint
Definition: SYS_Types.h:125
void setVolumeFogOpacity(fpreal d)
fpreal getUniformFogSunBloom() const
const UT_StringRef & getForegroundDepthPlane() const
bool drawOrigin() const
void setVolumeFogFalloff(fpreal f)
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean a
Definition: glcorearb.h:1222
GLdouble s
Definition: glad.h:3009
void drawYZPlane(bool onoff)
bool getHeadlightSpecular() const
void drawMultiTexture(bool onoff)
void setImageMinUV(float arr[2])
bool drawViewPivot() const
bool showNonSelected() const
Opaque reference to a texture stored in the RV_TextureCache.
Definition: RV_Type.h:182
bool drawSpecular() const
bool getDrawCameraMask() const
void setFastInteractiveHQLight(bool e)
int getVolumeFogHeightMode() const
void setForegroundImage(const UT_StringRef &file_node_path)
void setUniformFogOpacity(fpreal d)
GLenum GLenum GLsizei const GLuint GLboolean enabled
Definition: glcorearb.h:2539
void setOpacity(GUI_RotoView view, float opacity)
void handleHighlightSize(int hl)
void setVolumeFogDensity(fpreal d)
fpreal floatingGnomonSize() const
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble q
Definition: glad.h:2445
void setVolumeFogHeightMode(int m)
bool isDOFEnabled() const
void drawXRay(bool xray)
bool getForegroundImageEnable() const
int getHQLightLimit() const
bool showFullNames() const
UT_Color getDefaultMaterialAmbient() const
Context specific display options for geometry states.
void showDisplay(bool onoff)
Temporary container for either a RV_Render and an RE_Render.
bool getFastInteractiveHQLight() const
void setImageOffset(GUI_RotoView view, float arr[2])
bool drawYZPlane() const
int getLightSamplingLimit() const
void setDOFTexture(const UT_StringRef &tex)
exint getMSSUpdateSerial() const
std::unique_ptr< T, Deleter > UT_UniquePtr
A smart pointer for unique ownership of dynamically allocated objects.
Definition: UT_UniquePtr.h:39
bool getHeadlightHighQuality() const
bool xrayQuality() const
UT_Vector3D getHeadlightDirection() const
void setUniformFogUseSun(bool d)
bool getUseViewportRes() const
void xrayWireStrength(fpreal w)
void showObjectNames(bool onoff)
fpreal getVolumeFogEnd() const
GA_API const UT_StringHolder scale
bool showIKCriticalZones() const
fpreal getVolumeFogOpacity() const
void setLightSamplingLimit(int limit)
GLfloat f
Definition: glcorearb.h:1926
void envMapImage(GUI_RotoView view, bool onoff)
const UT_StringRef & getDefaultMatCapFile() const
void setShadowMapGenTime(fpreal t)
bool getCameraCropMask() const
const UT_StringRef & getUVMapFile() const
bool mssPerPrim() const
void getImageMaxUV(float arr[2]) const
GR_CommonDispOption & common()
bool hasLightSamplingLimit() const
void setSelectMask(unsigned mask)
void setUniformFogFalloff(fpreal f)
fpreal getVolumeFogFalloff() const
fpreal getVolumeFogHeight() const
void setFogNode(const char *node)
void showSelected(bool onoff)
void drawSpecular(bool onoff)
bool showGuides() const
void showTemplates(bool onoff)
fpreal getVolumeFogDensity() const
float getOpacity(GUI_RotoView view) const
void setBloomEnable(bool e)
#define GUI_API
Definition: GUI_API.h:10
fpreal getBloomScale() const
const GR_CommonDispOption & common() const
UT_UniquePtr< OPUI_RotoscopeData > myRotoscopeData
void setBloomThreshold(fpreal th)
void drawXZPlane(bool onoff)
bool mssEnable() const
fpreal getShadowMapGenTime() const
void setDOFBokehAspect(fpreal a)
void setCameraCropMask(bool crop)
bool drawFieldGuide() const
void setUniformFogClipDistance(fpreal d)
void setUniformFogHeight(fpreal h)
UT_Vector3T< T > SYSclamp(const UT_Vector3T< T > &v, const UT_Vector3T< T > &min, const UT_Vector3T< T > &max)
Definition: UT_Vector3.h:1057
void mssPerPrim(bool mpp)
fpreal getImageResFraction() const
GLint GLuint mask
Definition: glcorearb.h:124
void setHQLightLimit(int nlights)
bool drawXZPlane() const
void autoPlaceImage(GUI_RotoView view, bool onoff)
void setDOFEnable(bool dof)
void showGuides(bool onoff)
void setVolumeFogColor(const UT_Vector3F &c)
fpreal getUniformFogClipDistance() const
bool mssPacked() const
void drawBackgrounds(bool onoff)
bool drawBadges() const
const UT_StringRef & getFogNode() const
bool drawBackgrounds() const
bool getUniformFogUseSun() const
void setUniformFogHeightMode(int m)
fpreal getDefaultMaterialSpecRoughness() const
bool isStereoLeftRender() const
bool autoPlaceImage(GUI_RotoView view) const
int objectMaterialLimit() const
GLuint const GLchar * name
Definition: glcorearb.h:786
void floatingGnomonSize(fpreal size)
const UT_StringRef & getForegroundImage() const
void showCurrentOutput(bool onoff)
UT_Vector3F getVolumeFogColor() const
void drawXYPlane(bool onoff)
fpreal getBloomIntensity() const
void setUniformFogColor(const UT_Vector3F &c)
static void setHandleScale(float v)
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean b
Definition: glcorearb.h:1222
void setUseViewportRes(bool use_vp)
Definition: GR_Defines.h:22
void setFixedImageRes(int w, int h)
bool autoDetectAttribType2D() const
fpreal getUniformFogFalloff() const
void setDOFBokehBoost(fpreal b)
void drawFieldGuide(bool onoff)
int getVolumeFogQuality() const
gui_MatAssignMode materialAssignMode() const
GLdouble t
Definition: glad.h:2397
void setVolumeFogLightScatter(fpreal para, fpreal perp)
bool showMaterials() const
void materialUpdate(bool update)
bool drawEnvironmentMaps() const
void setForegroundDepthPlane(const UT_StringRef &plane)
void setHeadlightHighQuality(bool hq)
void setVolumeFogHeight(fpreal h)
bool drawMultiTexture() const
GLenum mode
Definition: glcorearb.h:99
void setImageFitMode(GUI_RotoView view, ImageFitMode fit_mode)
GR_DisplayOption & operator[](GUI_DisplaySetType type)
void setBrightness(GUI_RotoView view, float brightness)
GR_RenderVersion getRenderType() const
For the OpenGL ROP only: Allows a single stereo camera to be rendered.
fpreal getUniformFogIntensity() const
void drawOrigin(bool onoff)
fpreal getUniformFogEnd() const
void setUniformFogIntensity(fpreal f)
void setForegroundDepthStyle(FGDepthStyle style)
void xrayQuality(bool q)
void setBloomScale(fpreal sc)
GLsizeiptr size
Definition: glcorearb.h:664
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat h
Definition: glcorearb.h:2002
void materialAssignMode(gui_MatAssignMode mode)
bool isDefaultMaterialDirty() const
bool drawStickyOrigin() const
bool showCurrentOutput() const
fpreal getUniformFogDensity() const
void setUniformFogSunBloom(fpreal f)
void setUniformFogStart(fpreal s)
Viewport type for Rotoscope settings.
bool showTemplates() const
DOFBokeh getDOFBokeh() const
fpreal getDefaultMatCapIntensity() const
bool hasHQLightLimit() const
UT_Vector2i getCurrentImageRes() const
void setImageScale(GUI_RotoView view, float arr[2])
bool drawVertexAttrib2D() const
bool showObjectNames() const
fpreal getDOFBokehBoost() const
fpreal64 fpreal
Definition: SYS_Types.h:277
void originGnomonSize(fpreal size)
UT_Vector3F getUniformFogColor() const
bool getForegroundImageDepth() const
ImageFitMode getImageFitMode(GUI_RotoView view) const
LeafData & operator=(const LeafData &)=delete
void setVolumeFogEnd(fpreal e)
const UT_StringRef & getDOFTexture() const
bool showDisplay() const
bool drawWalls() const
GUI_DisplaySetType getDisplaySetRemap(GUI_DisplaySetType t) const
UT_Color getDefaultMaterialDiffuse() const
void drawEnvironmentMaps(bool onoff)
fpreal getUniformFogStart() const
bool isDefaultMatCapDirty() const
bool showSelected() const
int getUniformFogHeightMode() const
void applySelectMask(bool onoff)
fpreal foregroundOpacity() const
bool showFootprints() const
void drawVertexAttrib2D(bool onoff)
void setVolumeFogIntensity(fpreal f)
void setDisplaySetRemap(GUI_DisplaySetType follower, GUI_DisplaySetType reference)
Remap the display option set to another set.
bool drawSafeArea() const
Definition: core.h:982
fpreal getVolumeFogIntensity() const
void setSeparateStereoRender(gui_StereoPass pass)
bool envMapImage(GUI_RotoView view) const
fpreal getUVMapScale() const
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte w
Definition: glcorearb.h:857
void drawBadges(bool onoff)
void showFootprints(bool onoff)
void drawSafeArea(bool onoff)
bool useMaterialOverrides() const
fpreal getDOFBokehAspect() const
bool isUniformFogEnabled() const
void moveModeOn(bool onoff)
void setDOFBokeh(DOFBokeh b)
void setRenderType(GR_RenderVersion t)
GLboolean r
Definition: glcorearb.h:1222
int handleHighlightSize() const
bool applySelectMask() const
ImageBuf OIIO_API crop(const ImageBuf &src, ROI roi={}, int nthreads=0)
fpreal originGnomonSize() const
bool moveModeOn() const
that also have some descendant prim *whose name begins with which in turn has a child named baz where *the predicate and *a name There is also one special expression reference
void setShadowMapMemMB(int mem)
void showNonSelected(bool onoff)
void setUniformFogEnd(fpreal e)
Definition: RV_Type.h:117
bool isVolumeFogEnabled() const
Definition: core.h:1059
void setImageMaxUV(float arr[2])
void getVolumeFogLightScatter(fpreal &para, fpreal &perp) const
unsigned getSelectMask() const
void autoDetectAttribType2D(bool onoff)
void useMaterialOverrides(bool ovr)
void getImageScale(GUI_RotoView view, float arr[2]) const
void setImageResFraction(fpreal fraction)
void setBloomIntensity(fpreal i)
void setUniformFogDensity(fpreal d)
void mssPacked(bool mp)
UT_Vector2T< int32 > UT_Vector2i
bool isBloomEnabled() const
bool drawXRay() const
void setUniformFogEnable(bool fog)
void objectMaterialLimit(int m)
GR_DisplayOption & getDisplaySet(GUI_DisplaySetType type)
Direct cccess to the display set, without any mapping.
UT_Vector2i getFixedImageRes() const