| TextureBakerGlsl (unsigned int width, unsigned int height, Image::BaseType baseType) |
void | setExtension (const string &extension) |
| Set the file extension for baked textures. More...
const string & | getExtension () const |
| Return the file extension for baked textures. More...
void | setColorSpace (const string &colorSpace) |
const string & | getColorSpace () const |
| Return the color space in which color textures are encoded. More...
void | setDistanceUnit (const string &unitSpace) |
| Set the distance unit to which textures are baked. Defaults to meters. More...
const string & | getDistanceUnit () const |
| Return the distance unit to which textures are baked. More...
void | setAverageImages (bool enable) |
| Set whether images should be averaged to generate constants. Defaults to false. More...
bool | getAverageImages () const |
| Return whether images should be averaged to generate constants. More...
void | setOptimizeConstants (bool enable) |
| Set whether uniform textures should be stored as constants. Defaults to true. More...
bool | getOptimizeConstants () const |
| Return whether uniform textures should be stored as constants. More...
void | setOutputImagePath (const FilePath &outputImagePath) |
const FilePath & | getOutputImagePath () |
| Get the current output location for baked texture images. More...
void | setBakedGraphName (const string &name) |
| Set the name of the baked graph element. More...
const string & | getBakedGraphName () const |
| Return the name of the baked graph element. More...
void | setBakedGeomInfoName (const string &name) |
| Set the name of the baked geometry info element. More...
const string & | getBakedGeomInfoName () const |
| Return the name of the baked geometry info element. More...
const string & | getTextureFilenameTemplate () const |
| Get the texture filename template. More...
void | setTextureFilenameTemplate (const string &filenameTemplate) |
| Set the texture filename template. More...
void | setFilenameTemplateVarOverride (const string &key, const string &value) |
| Set texFilenameOverrides if template variable exists. More...
void | setOutputStream (std::ostream *outputStream) |
| Set the output stream for reporting progress and warnings. Defaults to std::cout. More...
std::ostream * | getOutputStream () const |
| Return the output stream for reporting progress and warnings. More...
void | setHashImageNames (bool enable) |
bool | getHashImageNames () const |
| Return whether automatic baked texture resolution is set. More...
void | setTextureSpaceMin (const Vector2 &min) |
| Set the minimum texcoords used in texture baking. Defaults to 0, 0. More...
Vector2 | getTextureSpaceMin () const |
| Return the minimum texcoords used in texture baking. More...
void | setTextureSpaceMax (const Vector2 &max) |
| Set the maximum texcoords used in texture baking. Defaults to 1, 1. More...
Vector2 | getTextureSpaceMax () const |
| Return the maximum texcoords used in texture baking. More...
void | setupUnitSystem (DocumentPtr unitDefinitions) |
| Set up the unit definitions to be used in baking. More...
void | bakeShaderInputs (NodePtr material, NodePtr shader, GenContext &context, const string &udim=EMPTY_STRING) |
| Bake textures for all graph inputs of the given shader. More...
void | bakeGraphOutput (OutputPtr output, GenContext &context, const StringMap &filenameTemplateMap) |
| Bake a texture for the given graph output. More...
void | optimizeBakedTextures (NodePtr shader) |
| Optimize baked textures before writing. More...
DocumentPtr | bakeMaterialToDoc (DocumentPtr doc, const FileSearchPath &searchPath, const string &materialPath, const StringVec &udimSet, std::string &documentName) |
| Bake material to document in memory and write baked textures to disk. More...
void | bakeAllMaterials (DocumentPtr doc, const FileSearchPath &searchPath, const FilePath &outputFileName) |
void | writeDocumentPerMaterial (bool value) |
string | getValueStringFromColor (const Color4 &color, const string &type) |
ImageHandlerPtr | createImageHandler (ImageLoaderPtr imageLoader) |
| Create a texture handler for OpenGL textures. More...
virtual | ~GlslRenderer () |
| Destructor. More...
void | initialize (RenderContextHandle renderContextHandle=nullptr) override |
void | createProgram (ShaderPtr shader) override |
void | createProgram (const StageMap &stages) override |
void | validateInputs () override |
| Validate inputs for the program. More...
void | updateUniform (const string &name, ConstValuePtr value) override |
| Update the program with value of the uniform. More...
void | setSize (unsigned int width, unsigned int height) override |
| Set the size of the rendered image. More...
void | render () override |
| Render the current program to an offscreen buffer. More...
void | renderTextureSpace (const Vector2 &uvMin, const Vector2 &uvMax) |
| Render the current program in texture space to an off-screen buffer. More...
ImagePtr | captureImage (ImagePtr image=nullptr) override |
| Capture the current contents of the off-screen hardware buffer as an image. More...
GLFramebufferPtr | getFramebuffer () const |
| Return the GL frame buffer. More...
GlslProgramPtr | getProgram () |
| Return the GLSL program. More...
void | drawScreenSpaceQuad (const Vector2 &uvMin=Vector2(0.0f), const Vector2 &uvMax=Vector2(1.0f)) |
| Submit geometry for a screen-space quad. More...
void | setScreenColor (const Color3 &screenColor) |
| Set the screen background color. More...
Color3 | getScreenColor () const |
| Return the screen background color. More...
virtual | ~ShaderRenderer () |
void | setCamera (CameraPtr camera) |
| Set the camera. More...
CameraPtr | getCamera () const |
| Return the camera. More...
void | setImageHandler (ImageHandlerPtr imageHandler) |
| Set the image handler used by this renderer for image I/O. More...
ImageHandlerPtr | getImageHandler () const |
| Return the image handler. More...
void | setLightHandler (LightHandlerPtr lightHandler) |
| Set the light handler used by this renderer for light bindings. More...
LightHandlerPtr | getLightHandler () const |
| Return the light handler. More...
void | setGeometryHandler (GeometryHandlerPtr geometryHandler) |
| Set the geometry handler. More...
GeometryHandlerPtr | getGeometryHandler () const |
| Return the geometry handler. More...
An implementation of TextureBaker based on GLSL shader generation.
Definition at line 33 of file TextureBaker.h.