Houdini 20.5 MPM

MPM Configure Building Collapse

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There are several MPM Configure examples available through the tab menu. These are similar to shelf tools that put down networks of nodes for learning purposes. The MPM Configure Building Collapse example illustrates the use of the Concrete material type. It puts down a simple network of nodes to simulate a building being hit by a meteorite and collapsing.

Important nodes

building_model and meteorite

These are both MPM Sources using the Concrete material preset. The Density and Stiffness on the meteorite node is multiplied by 10× and 2x, respectively, so that it’s able to break through the building. It also has a strong initial Velocity applied.


This is an Attribute Wrangle node that adds some spatial variation to the stiffness of the building, causing it to collapse in a more interesting way.


A Merge node merges the two MPM sources before feeding them into the solver.


The MPM Container defines the resolution of the simulation using the Particle Separation parameter. This parameter is increased slightly to increase the resolution of the whole simulation.


On the Visualize tab of the MPM Solver, the Color From Attribute checkbox is turned on, and the Jp attribute is being visualized. This is the determinant of the plastic component of the deformation gradient. It basically highlights where things are either stretching (breaking) or compressing in a permanent way. The solver is not going to try to recover from the plastic deformation, as opposed to the elastic deformation. This Jp attribute can be used to trigger secondary emission like debris and dust. In this example, you will be able to see the cracks that are being highlighted as the meteorite hits the building.

Learning from this example

To...Do this

Visualize the areas of varied stiffness in the concrete

  1. Select the noise_E_attribute node and put the Display flag on it.

  2. Remove the two backslashes in this line of code to bind the noise to the color attribute:

    //@Cd = noise;

    The concrete is softer in the black areas stiffer in the lighter areas. This variation makes the concrete break apart in a more interesting way when the meteorite collides with it.


You can turn on the Bypass flag on for this node to see how the addition of varied stiffness affects the way the concrete breaks apart.


Getting Started

MPM Configure Examples

Next Steps
