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windingnumber computes the winding number of a mesh around a point.
windingnumber2d computes the winding number of a curve in XY plane around a point.
distance_pointline returns the closest distance between the point Q and the infinite line going through O parallel to vector D.
distance_pointray returns the closest distance between the point Q and the semi-finite ray starting at O and extending in the direction D.
distance_pointsegment returns the closest distance between the point Q and a finite line segment between points P0 and P1.
diag extracts diagonal entries or constructs a diagonal matrix.
tr returns the trace of the given matrix.
sum now supports a matrix or an array of matrices as its input.
pinvert computes the pseudo-inverse of a matrix.
slerpv spherical blends between two vectors based on the bias.
typeid returns a numeric code identifying a VEX data type.
gxnoised evaluates a simplex noise field and its derivatives.
ocio_transformview transform colors to a view using Open Color IO.
volumeindex gets the value of a specific voxel.
volumesample samples the volume primitive’s float value.
volumesamplei samples the volume primitive’s integer value.
volumesamplep samples the volume primitive’s vector4 value.
volumesampleu samples the volume primitive’s vector2 value.
volumesamplev samples the volume primitive’s vector value.
norm_1 returns the matrix 1-norm.
norm_fro returns the Frobenius norm of a matrix.
norm_inf returns the matrix inf-norm.
norm_max returns the matrix max-norm.
norm_spectral returns the spectral norm of a matrix.
isinf checks whether a value is a positive or negative infinity.
Added overloads to setagentclips, setagentcollisionlayers, and setagentcurrentlayers that accept integer ids rather than names. This makes it easier to use the ids returned by functions such as agentfindlayer.
Deprecated agentaddclip. The agent definition’s shared data can be manipulated in a safer and more efficient manner through HOM or the
Agent Clip SOP.
OpenCL ¶
SOP OpenCL and GAS OpenCL node improvements.
A new wrangle-like
syntax makes it easier to build nodes. -
Support for binding topology attributes.
Support for binding groups for reading and writing.
Support for reading multiple inputs in SOPs.
Support for writing in-place to VDBs.
There is now a separate Houdini build for Linux running gcc 11 to comply with VFX Platform 2023, as well as a build for older versions of gcc. The OpenCL CPU driver version that ships with Houdini will differ to match the appropriate gcc runtime.