• The Sculpt SOP is now version 2.0 to enhance Character FX and general sculpting workflows. It features new brushes, stroke types, masking controls, a reworked interactive viewport state, and non-destructive workflow. Built to handle meshes with several million polygons at interactive speeds.

  • New Laplacian SOP node computes a discrete Laplacian matrix for the input mesh.

  • New Planar Inflate SOP node inflates the surface of the input polygon to generate a 3D triangle mesh.

  • New Proximity SOP creates various new attributes on the candidate points to let you work with the nearest points in subsequent nodes, such as a point attribute containing each point’s distance to the closest target.

  • The Clip 2.0 SOP has a new state to draw the clipping plane as a line in the viewport.

  • The Point Cloud Measure SOP interprets the geometric signatures of unorganized points without needing to convert them into a surface or volume.

The 3D shape of each point neighborhood is measured and used to transform its instanced sphere. Animated horse asset courtesy of Bogdan Lazar - Wafe VFX
  • (BETA) The Quad Remesh builds a mesh of quads (four-sided polygons) with the same shape as the input surface, but as quads and better edge flow.

  • The Curve SOP can now copy-paste curves in the Curve state and has improved picking of NURBS curve segments.

  • Added a uniform scale parameter and options to override with an attribute in the Path Deform SOP and Chain SOP.

  • Added a button to Path Deform SOP to initialize the geometry alignment with the curve start orientation.

  • Added a Group Highlight shelf tool for selecting and highlighting groups of points, primitives, vertices or edges.

  • The Scatter and Align SOP will now blend to target normal direction without introducing twists.

  • The Pack SOP can now be either a string or integer attribute for partitioning to create Packed Fragment primitives.

  • The Attribute Copy SOP now takes less time to cook. The Copy Data parameter, when turned off, can create attributes on the destination without copying the actual values.

  • The Attribute Mirror SOP has a new Mirroring Method mode with new options such as topology and use mapping. Also, a new viewer state to visualize mirror.

  • New primitive snapping mode to snap to the tangent plane while translating along a single axis.

  • The Soft Peak SOP is now compilable (verbified) with any SOPS that can use verbs.

  • New OpenCL option added to the Volume Blur SOP.

  • The new Volume Sharpen tool creates a sharpen strength parameter that connects the pre or post add parameters to its proper values and performs an unsharp mask.

What’s new in Houdini 20.5