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  • Wrinkle Deformer SOP is a fast, OpenCL-based SOP to add wrinkles to deforming geometry without simulation.

  • APEX Add Wrinkles SOP adds the wrinkle deformer to an APEX rig so you can get wrinkles while animating.

Fluids and grains

Video courtesy of Martin Winkler
  • The Vellum Solver now supports VDB collisions created by the VDB Colliders SOP, similar to the MPM Solver.

  • There is a new Minimal mode on the Vellum Solver that supports VDB collisions and a limited feature set, but is faster and well suited for grain and fluid simulations. See Minimal mode for more information.

  • Vellum Fluid simulations can now take VBD collisions into account when solving for viscosity and surface tension, giving improved wetting effects when used with this style of collision.

    Vellum Fluids with wetting effects
  • Vellum Grain simulations can now take VBD collisions into account when solving for friction and stickiness, giving improved sticking and sliding effects when used with this style of collision.

    Vellum Grains with friction and sticky effects


  • The transform attribute from KineFX rigs will now properly pass through a Vellum Hair simulation, as long as a Vellum Post Process node is applied after the simulation. See Compute Missing Orientation for more information.

What’s new in Houdini 20.5