This can be useful for annotating objects in the scene for artists, or making large selection targets for small, hard to select, or far-off objects.
See visualizers for more information.
Parameters ¶
Contents ¶
Whether the tag contains text, an icon, or both.
Text source
Where to get the tag text. You can use the object name, a fixed string, the value of a detail attribute from the object’s geometry, or the value of an attribute from the currently selected PDG work item.
Icon source
Where to get the tag icon. You can use the object’s icon or choose an image file.
Behavior ¶
Preferred placement
Where to put the tag when all sides are available. If there’s no room in the viewport to use this side, Houdini will automatically display it on a different side.
Clicking tag selects object
Clicking the tag will select the object. Turn this off to make the tag unclickable.
When object is offscreen ¶
Keep tag in viewport
Display the tag even when the object is not in view. This is useful for selecting objects in the viewport when they're not visible.
Show icon only
When an object is not in view but the tag is displayed, only show the icon. This helps reduce tag clutter. (How to tell what object tag is for???)
Appearance ¶
Font for the tag text.
Font size
Size of the tag text.
Icon size
Size of the tag icon.
Text color
Color for the tag text.
Frame tagged object
Show a frame around the object in addition to the tag.
Frame color
Color for the frame around the object.
Background color
Color of the tag background.
Corner radius
The radius of the rounded corners of the tag.
Amount of space between the tag edges, icon, and text.