Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Geometry VOP Global Parameters 2.0 VOP node

Provides outputs that represent all the global variables for the Attribute VOP network types.

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Since 14.0

This operator provides outputs that represent all the global variables for the Attribute VOP network types. There are no inputs to this operator.

The Attribute VOP operators, such as Geometry VOP DOP and the Attrib VOP SOP, can process all the attributes of one class on a geometry.


Volume VOP Global Variables do not work in cvex shaders.




Outputs include


Position of current element.


The v attribute of the current element.


The force attribute of the current element.


The life attribute of the current element. This is NOT compatible with the life attribute in the VOP SOP.


The age attribute of the current element. This is NOT compatible with the age attribute in the VOP SOP.


The id attribute of the current element.


The Cd attribute of the current element, often used to store the diffuse color.


Value of the N attribute of the current element. Unlike the VOP SOP, this will not be automatically computed if it doesn’t exist on the input.


The global time at which the volume is being evaluated.


The timestep currently being used for simulation or playback.


The current frame being processed, note this can be fractional.

Point Number

The current point number attached to the currently processed element. If this is a primitive, it is the first point on the primitive. If it is a detail, it is the first point in the geometry.

Primitive Number

The current primitive number attached to the currently processed element. If this is a point, it is the primitive that owns the first vertex that refers to the point (if any). If it is a vertex, it is the primitive that owns the vertex. If a detail, the first primtiive.

Vertex Number

The linear number of the currently processed vertex. This is not the index of the vertex inside a primitive’s vertex list! It is instead an index of the vertex in the list of all vertices in the geometry. Note it can be much higher than Number of Vertices.

Number of Points

The total number of points in the geometry.

Number of Prims

The total number of primitives in the geometry.

Number of Vertices

The number of vertices in the primitive that is currently being processed. (Or the primitive that first owns the element, if the current element is not a primitive)


See also

VOP nodes