Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Tangent Normal VOP node

Transform an input normal to UV/tangent space

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Since 14.5

This VOP will transform an input normal from current to UV/tangent space. It takes optional S/T or tangent inputs that describe the basis to project into.


Input Normal

Normal to transform to UV/tangent space.

Tangent Style

Style of the UV/tangent space. dPds uses the gradient of the S/T coordinates. Use Connected utan, vtan uses the connected utan and vtan parameters.

Output Normal Space

Determines the coordinate space of the output normal. 0 to 1 matches the output of packages that encode normals using 8-bit images. -1 to 1 uses natural coordinates.

Flip X

Toggle flipping of the X axis. Various packages may expect normal maps in different spaces. The flipX and flipY parameters allow you to match these various spaces.

Flip Y

Toggle flipping of the Y axis. Various packages may expect normal maps in different spaces. The flipX and flipY parameters allow you to match these various spaces.

Height Scale

Determines the height of the resulting normal. Unlike bump maps, normal maps must encode the bumped normal directly. Adjust this parameter to control the height of the bump effect.

UV Coordinates

Coordinate describing the UV basis.

U Tangent

Tangent in the surface U direction.

V Tangent

Tangent in the surface V direction.

Shading Normal

Surface shading normal. If not connected this defaults to the normalized N global variable.


Output Normal

Normal transformed to UV/tangent space.

See also

VOP nodes