Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Reverse Foot VOP node

Rotates the foot around custom pivots specific to a reverse foot KineFX set-up.

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Since 18.5

This operator establishes various rotations of the foot joints around custom pivots like lifting, pivoting, and twisting, and it also provides float parameters for controlling these rotations. The outputs are in the form of world transforms for both the foot joints as well as the pivots.


Connecting all of the world transform inputs is not a requirement. Having all of the inputs connected will give access to all of the rotation options, but this is not required and often only a select few will be enough.


Pivot Front Axis

Specifies the local axis of the pivot joint that points forward.

Pivot Side Axis

Specifies the local axis of the pivot joint that points sideways.


Rotates the foot around the Pivot Side Axis using various pivots throughout. Provides a fluid and easy transition from a heel roll up to a ball and toe roll. A negative value rotates the foot around the heel, and a positive value rotates the foot around the ball and toe respectively.

Bend Limit Angle

Specifies the angle up to which to rotate the foot using the ball as the pivot. Once this threshold is reached, the foot will begin to rotate around the toe.

Toe Straight Angle

Specifies the angle at which the foot has reached maximum rotation around the toe.

Heel Lift

Rotates the foot around the Pivot Side Axis using the heel marker as the pivot.

Ball Lift

Rotates the foot around the Pivot Side Axis using the ball marker as the pivot.

Toe Lift

Rotates the foot around the Pivot Side Axis using the toe marker as the pivot.

Heel Pivot

Rotates the foot around the up axis of the skeleton using the heel marker as the pivot.

Ball Pivot

Rotates the foot around the up axis of the skeleton using the ball marker as the pivot.

Toe Pivot

Rotates the foot around the up axis of the skeleton using the toe marker as the pivot.

Foot Twist

Rotates the foot around the Pivot Front Axis using the outer or inner foot markers as the pivots. A negative value uses the inner foot marker as the pivot, and a positive value uses the outer foot marker as the pivot.



The world transform of the ankle joint.


The world transform of the ball joint.


The world transform of the toe joint.


The world transform of the heel pivot joint.


The world transform of the toe pivot joint.


The world transform of the ball pivot joint.


The world transform of the inner foot pivot joint.


The world transform of the outer foot pivot joint.


The local axis of the pivot joints that points forward.


The local axis of the pivot joints that points sideways.


Rotation of the foot around the pivotsideaxis using various pivots.


The angle up to which to rotate the foot using the ball as the pivot. Once this threshold is reached, the foot will begin to rotate around the toe.


The angle where the foot has reached maximum rotation around the toe.


Rotation of the foot around the pivotsideaxis using the heel marker as the pivot.


Rotation of the foot around the pivotsideaxis using the ball marker as the pivot.


Rotation of the foot around the pivotsideaxis using the toe marker as the pivot.


Rotation of the foot around the up axis of the skeleton using the heel marker as the pivot.


Rotation of the foot around the up axis of the skeleton using the ball marker as the pivot.


Rotation of the foot around the up axis of the skeleton using the toe marker as the pivot.


Rotation of the foot around the pivotfrontaxis using the outer or inner foot markers as the pivots.



The modified world transform of the ankle joint.


The modified world transform of the ball joint.


The modified world transform of the toe joint.


The modified world transform of the heel pivot joint.


The modified world transform of the toe pivot joint.


The modified world transform of the ball pivot joint.


The modified world transform of the inner foot pivot joint.


The modified world transform of the outer foot pivot joint.

See also

VOP nodes