Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Resolve Mapping Attribute VOP node

Resolves a mapping dictionary attribute to a KineFX point number.

On this page
Since 18.5

Uses the value of the point dictionary attribute specified by Mapping Attribute to find a corresponding point in the Reference File geometry.

The dictionary should be in the following format:

    'reference': string, // The point attribute on the driver skeleton to use as reference. If set to "ptnum", the point number will be used.
    'value': string or int // The value of the point attribute on the point to use as the driver.

If the resolution fails, a value of -1 will be returned by the mappedpt output.


Mapped File

Specifies where to find the geometry containing the point that has been mapped.

Geometry Path

Specifies an operator path pointing to a SOP node.

This parameter is only available when Mapped File is set to Operator Path.

Mapped Point

Specifies the point in the Mapped File geometry that has been mapped.

Reference File

Specifies where to find the geometry on which to look up the point that has been mapped to.

Reference Geometry Path

Specifies an operator path pointing to a SOP node.

This parameter is only available when Reference File is set to Operator Path.

Mapping Attribute

Specifies the name of the mapping attribute on the Mapped File geometry.



The geometry containing the point that has been mapped.


The point in the file input geometry that has been mapped.


The geometry on which to lookup the point that has been mapped to.


The name of the mapping attribute on the file input geometry.



The geometry on which the point was found. This will be the same as the reffile input.


The point number of the found point.

See also

VOP nodes