Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Get Descendant Transforms VOP node

Traverse the hierarchy from a given point and return their transforms.

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Since 18.5

This node allows you to retrieve the updated transforms of a constrained point’s descendants without having to use a second Rig Attribute VOP. For example, if you wish to modify the world space orientations of all the fingers of a hand in the same network as a Two-Bone IK solve then you will need to have access to the world space transforms of the fingers after the hand has been moved by the ik solve.



Default Inputs

The output pts will be an integer array of point indices on the geometry specified by File.

Output Names

The output pts will be a string array of the point names on the geometry specified by File.


The geometry on which to perform the traversal.

Traversal Depth

How far to traverse down the hierarchy - a negative value will perform a complete traversal.



Specifies the input or operator location for the geometry file on which to query the attributes.


Specifies an integer representing the point index to query. When not connected, you can write a point group string for this parameter. By default, the first point index from the point group expansion is used.


The world space transform corresponding to the point connected to the pt input.


The local space transform corresponding to the point connected to the pt input.


How far to traverse down the hierarchy - a negative value will perform a complete traversal.



An array containing the indices or names of the traversed points.


An array containing the world space transforms of the traversed points.


An array containing the local space transforms of the traversed points.


An array containing the effective local space transforms of the traversed points.

VOP nodes