Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

MtlX Tiled Image VOP node

Samples data from a single image, with provisions for tiling and offsetting the image across uv space.

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Samples data from a single image, with provisions for tiling and offsetting the image across uv space.


UV Tiling

The tiling rate for the given image along the U and V axes. Mathematically equivalent to multiplying the incoming texture coordinates by the given vector value. Default value is (1.0, 1.0).

UV Offset

The offset for the given image along the U and V axes. Mathematically equivalent to subtracting the given vector value from the incoming texture coordinates. Default value is (0.0, 0.0).

Real World Image Size

The real-world size represented by the file image, with unittype “distance”. A unit attribute may be provided to indicate the units that realworldimagesize is expressed in.

Real World Tile Size

The real-world size of a single square 0-1 UV tile, with unittype “distance”. A unit attribute may be provided to indicate the units that realworldtilesize is expressed in.

Common Image Parameters

File Name

The URI or path of an image file.


UsdMaterialX does not currently support the filename substitution tokens that MaterialX provides.


A default value to use if the given file can not be resolved, or if the specified layer does not exist in the file. The default value must be the same type as the image element itself, and must be a constant color (i.e. it cannot be a varying primvar or some other pattern or image).

If default is not defined, the default color value will be 0.0 in all channels.

Texture Coordinate

The name of a vector2-type node specifying the 2D texture coordinate at which the image data is read. Default is to use the current u,v coordinate.

UV Address Mode

Determines how UV coordinates outside the 0-1 range are processed before sampling the image. Each UV component can be set independently to one of these modes:


Texture coordinates outside the 0-1 range return the value of the node’s default color or float parameter.


Texture coordinates are clamped to the 0-1 range before sampling the image.


Texture coordinates outside the 0-1 range “wrap around”, effectively being processed by a modulo 1 operation before sampling the image.


Texture coordinates outside the 0-1 range will be mirrored back into the 0-1 range, e.g. u=-0.01 will return the u=0.01 texture coordinate value, and u=1.01 will return the u=0.99 texture coordinate value.

U Address Mode

Determines how U coordinates outside the 0-1 range are processed before sampling the image. Default is periodic.

V Address Mode

Determines how V coordinates outside the 0-1 range are processed before sampling the image. Default is periodic.

Filter Type

The type of texture filtering to use; standard values include 'closest' (nearest-neighbor single-sample), 'linear', and 'cubic'. If not specified, an application may use its own default texture filtering method.

Frame Range

A string 'minframe-maxframe', e.g. '10-99', to specify the range of frames that the image file is allowed to have, usually the range of image files on disk. Default is unbounded

Frame Offset

A number that is added to the current frame number to get the image file frame number. E.g. if frameoffset is 25, then processing frame 100 will result in reading frame 125 from the imagefile sequence. Default is no frame offset.

Frame End Action

What to do when the resolved image frame number is outside the framerange range.



Output from the texture image.

See also

VOP nodes