Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

MtlX Facing Ratio VOP node

Generate a smooth roll-off between two vectors.

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Since 19.5

This node is used to output a smooth roll-off between two vectors. It can be used for an edge falloff effect in materials, or for artistic control beyond a simple dot product operation.


Input 1

First input vector. For an edge falloff shader, this vector should point towards the eye/camera.

Input 2

Second input vector. For an edge falloff shader, this input should be the surface normals.


Push or pull the facing ratio towards 1 or 0.


Sharpen or soften the facing ratio.


Apply a gamma curve to the output.


Invert the output signal.

Face Forward

Values are always facing towards Input 1. This is equivalent to the absolute value of the dot product of the two input vectors.

VOP nodes