Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Subnet Input VOP node

Allows the connection of operators outside a subnet to operators inside the subnet.

This operator allows the connection of operators outside a subnet to operators inside the subnet. This operator can only be created inside a subnet type operator such as: If, Illuminance, Subnet, and While.

For every input connected to a subnet type operator, this operator will have an output that corresponds to that output. Connecting the output of this operator to another operator inside the subnet is the same as connecting the operator outside the subnet to the operator inside the subnet. Disconnecting an input from the subnet will delete the corresponding output from this operator. Thus care must be taken when removing inputs from the subnet to check that the connections from this operator are still correct.


The list of outputs depends on the inputs connected to the subnet containing this operator. The data type of each output will match the data type of the corresponding input. The name will be the same, except it will be prefixed with an underscore “_”.

See also

VOP nodes