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Packaging Houdini Assets

The plug-in provided classes are designed to be cooked and packaged transparently meaning they contain small amounts of code.

The plugin acts as simple data holder which reduces their potential runtime footprints.

In a game build, they're invisible except for their output components ( StaticMeshComponent, Landscapes, etc. ).

If there are HoudiniAssetActors in your maps, the HoudiniEngine plug-in must be built as part of the runtime build of your game.

Baking Outputs

An alternative method is to Bake your Houdini Engine-based assets to Unreal-native actors and remove the HoudiniActors before cooking your content.

This removes the dependencies on the Houdini-Engine plug-in and doesn’t require the game-build of the plug-in.

You can also use the Bake And Replace All Houdini Assets entry in the Houdini Engine menu in Unreal to replace all the Houdini assets in the current level with their baked counterpart.

The Bake Folder (the folder where the baked assets will be stored) is determined by first checking for the unreal_bake_folder attribute on the asset (prim, detail). If this isn’t set then it uses the property in the details panel. If the property is also not set, then it uses the default bake folder configured in the plugin settings.

If you finalize a level this way, you have to manually recreate the Houdini Assets to modify the procedural content again. It’s recommended to use this workflow after you have finalized your content.


Getting started


Using Houdini Engine

