convertKeyframesToClipData(keyframe_map, binary=True, use_blosc_compression=True)
→ str
Converts the given keyframes into clip data.
A dictionary mapping parameter names (str
) to a list of keyframes for
the parameter (hou.Keyframe).
‹binary› and ‹use_blosc_compression› specify the format of the returned clip data.
If ‹binary› is
, the returned data is binary clip data. Otherwise it is plain text (ASCII) clip data. -
If ‹use_blosc_compression› is
, the returned data is blosc compressed binary clip data. This cannot be used with ASCII clip data.
Raises a hou.InvalidInput exception if binary = False
use_blosc_compression = True
Raises a hou.OperationFailed exception if the given ‹keyframe_map› is empty.