Functions ¶
Install all the Python Panel interfaces defined in the given .pypanel file into the current Houdini session.
The .pypanel file to load.
→ hou.PythonPanelInterface
Return the Python Panel interface definition that corresponds to the given interface name.
Return None if no such interface definition exists.
→ tuple
of hou.PythonPanelInterface
Return all the Python Panel interface definitions inside the given .pypanel file. See hou.PythonPanelInterface for more information.
Raises hou.OperationFailed if file_path
does not refer to a valid
.pypanel file.
→ dict
of str
to hou.PythonPanelInterface
Return all the Python Panel interface definitions currently installed. Returns a dictionary mapping interface names to corresponding hou.PythonPanelInterface instances.
See hou.PythonPanelInterface for more information.
Set the Python Panel drop-down menu to the list of interface names. Note
that __separator__
is a valid name to indicate a separator in the list.
Raises hou.OperationFailed if names
contains interfaces that are not installed