Houdini 20.5 Character KineFX

APEX Script basics for graph building

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This feature is still under development. The current functionality is unfinished and subject to change, and may have thin or no documentation. Please bear this in mind when using it.

APEX Script is a code interface for building APEX graphs. It uses a Python-like syntax to generate a graph that represents the code logic. APEX Script snippets can be written in the APEX Script SOP, which can take in inputs, execute the code snippet, and output the results. The APEX Autorig Component and APEX Rigscript Component SOPs also provide an interface for writing APEX Script snippets.

APEX Script snippets have a direct representation as an APEX graph. As you type APEX Script code, you can see its graph representation being generated in the APEX network view:

APEX Script can be used as a tool to build new graphs, modify existing graphs, and retrieve graph data. See the following pages for more information:

Viewing APEX Script as a graph

In APEX Script, BindInput() is a special function that defines the inputs to a graph. It creates a parms node with ports that represent the graph inputs. The BindOutput() function defines the graph outputs, and creates an output node with ports that represent the values that are output from the graph.

In this example, we write an APEX Script snippet that takes a value as an input, and outputs the same value:

  1. Put the following snippet in an APEX Script SOP, Snippet parameter:

    a = BindInput(3.5)
  2. To see the APEX Script snippet represented as a graph, open up the APEX network view. At the top of a pane, click the New Tab icon and select New Pane Tab Type ▸ Animation ▸ APEX Network View.

  3. On the APEX Script SOP, Visualizer section, set Show to Component Script.

    APEX Script code represented as a graph

View graph inputs

To view the graph input values:

  1. In the geometry spreadsheet, beside the node name, select Apex Script Graph from the drop-down menu.


    Connect the 2nd output (APEX Script Graph output) of the APEX Script SOP to a Null SOP, and select the Null SOP.

  2. In the geometry spreadsheet, click Detail on the top toolbar. The input parameters are stored in the parms detail attribute on the graph.

If you click on the Reload Setup Parms button in the APEX Script SOP, the graph inputs appear in the parameter editor as parameters that you can adjust.

View graph outputs

To view the graph output values:

  1. By default, the first entry of Output Dictionary Bindings on the APEX Script SOP, Invocation section is filled out with the following:

    • Apex Outputs Group is the set to output. This is the name of the output node in the graph.

    • Output Attrib is set to parms. This is the name of the output to store in a dictionary format. We can set this to any name.

  2. In the geometry spreadsheet, beside the node name, select Invoked from the drop-down menu.

  3. Click Detail on the top toolbar. The graph outputs are stored in the dictionary specified in Output Attrib.

Building a new graph

In this example, we use APEX Script to create a new graph that contains a single TransformObject node:

  1. In an APEX Script SOP, add the following code to the Snippet parameter:

    # Initialize a graph
    graph = ApexGraphHandle()
    # Add a TransformObject node to the new graph
    graph.addNode('test_a', 'TransformObject')
    # Write out the graph as geometry
    geo = graph.writeToGeo()
  2. See the graph representation of the APEX Script snippet in the APEX network view. On the APEX Script SOP, Visualizer section, set Show to Component Script:

    APEX Script as a graph
  3. To output the graph as a geometry, set Bind Output Geometry to <output_node>:<output_port>. In our case, it is output:geo.

  4. To see the new graph created by the APEX Script snippet:

    • On the APEX Script SOP, Visualizer section, set Show to Output 1.


    • Connect the 1st output of the APEX Script SOP to a Null SOP, and select the Null SOP.

      Graph created by APEX Script

Modifying an existing graph

In this example, we use APEX Script to add a TransformObject node to an existing graph:

  1. Create a graph in an APEX Edit Graph SOP that contains only an input and output node:

    Original graph
  2. Connect the graph as an input to an APEX Script SOP:

    Update original graph
  3. In the APEX Script SOP, use the predefined headers to automatically add the APEX Script commands that take in and modify an input graph:

    • Turn on the Header parameter.

    • In the Header section, set Template to Graph, which adds the following code to the beginning and end of your APEX Script snippet:

  4. Specify the input to the APEX Script SOP. In the Invocation section, under Input1 Bindings, turn on Bind To Geometry Parameter, and set the parameter to geo. geo is the graph geometry that is input to the APEX Script SOP, specified in the header from the previous step.

  5. To output the updated graph, set Bind Output Geometry to output:geo.

  6. The APEX Script SOP now takes in the input graph and outputs it unchanged. To see the graph that is output by the APEX Script SOP:

    • On the APEX Script SOP, Visualizer section, set Show to Output 1.


    • Connect the 1st output of the APEX Script SOP to a Null SOP, and select the Null SOP.

  7. To add a TransformObject node to the input graph, put the following code in the Snippet parameter:

    graph.addNode('test_a', 'TransformObject')
    Updated graph


To...Do this

Make code changes take effect

After making changes to the code snippet, press ⌃ Ctrl + Enter.

View the graph nodes that are associated with the APEX Script line number

  1. Set Show to Component Script.

  2. Turn on the Inspect Line parameter. The graph nodes that are associated with the APEX Script line number are colored red in the APEX network view.

Lay out the nodes in a graph

Add graph.layout() to the APEX Script snippet.

Comment or uncomment a block of code

Select a block of code and press ⌃ Ctrl + /.

Change the code snippet font size

Click inside the Snippet parameter and press ⌃ Ctrl + + or ⌃ Ctrl + -.

Convert a graph to APEX Script code

See converting graphs to APEX Script.



Preparing character elements

Rigging with APEX graphs

Building rig graphs with APEX Script

Rigging with rig components

Animating in the viewport

SOP-based animation


Animation retargeting


