Since | 20.5 |
This component creates a lookat constraint for a driven TransformObject node. You can also set up multiple lookat constraints with this component - if the constraints are set up in the correct order, they can use each other’s drivers and targets as parents. The order of operations is important when doing this.
See rigging a character for an example use of this component.
Parameters ¶
The name that is added to the nodes created by this component.
The guide skeleton that is used as a reference when creating controls.
Settings ¶
The position of the up vector relative to the driven TransformObject node.
The position of the lookat target relative to the driven TransformObject node.
When setting up multiple lookat constraints with mirrored transforms, the relative offset to targetpos may not be desirable. In this case, turning on worldspace keeps the direction the same for all the constraints.
Driven ¶
The parent of all the controls. If empty, the parent for all the controls is the parent of the driver. Make sure the parent is not a child of the driven. This parameter accepts APEX path patterns, so you can specify tags in this field, for example, %tag(<tag>)
The TransformObject node to apply the lookat constraint to. This parameter accepts APEX path patterns, so you can specify tags in this field.
A new TransformObject node that is inserted between the parent and driver, allowing you to control the driven node while it is constrained using the lookat. This new node needs a unique name that doesn’t conflict with any of the nodes in the hierarchy.
When turned on, promotes the translate component of the driver.
When turned on, promotes the rotate component of the driver.
When turned on, promotes the scale component of the driver.
If you want to predefine the target’s position, target can be an existing TransformObject node in the hierarchy. If target is a unique name, it is created at the targetpos.
When turned on, promotes the translate component of the target.
When turned on, promotes the rotate component of the target.
When turned on, promotes the scale component of the target.
A preexisting control can be used for the up position. If up is a unique name, a new up control is created.
When turned on, promotes the translate component of the up control.
When turned on, promotes the rotate component of the up control.
When turned on, promotes the scale component of the up control.
When turned on, the up vector control is visible in the animate state. When turned off, a default up vector is set up based on the updir parameter.
When turned off, hides the driven node in the animate state.
When turned on, an offset is applied to the driven to keep its original orientation after creating the constraint.
The local vector on the driven node to align with the target position. For example, if you want the -Y axis of the driven node to point toward the target, set lookataxis to (0, -1, 0).
If keepoffset is turned on, lookataxis does not have any effect.
The local vector on the driven node to align with the up position. For example, if you want the -Z axis of the driven node to point toward the up position, set lookupaxis to (0, 0, -1).
If keepoffset is turned on, lookupaxis does not have any effect.
Tags ¶
Shape ¶
The scale of the control shapes.
The color of the control shapes.
See also |