float lerp(float value1, float value2, float amount)
Performs linear interpolation between the values.
<vector> lerp(<vector>value1, <vector>value2, float amount)
Performs linear interpolation between corresponding components.
<vector> lerp(<vector>value1, <vector>value2, <vector>amount)
Performs linear interpolation between corresponding components by specific amounts for each component pair.
bsdf lerp(bsdf bsdf1, bsdf bsdf2, float amount)
Returns a BSDF that linearly interpolates between the output of the two given BSDFS.
If the amount is outside the range 0 to 1, the values will be extrapolated linearly.
If amount is 0, the first value is returned. If it is 1, the second value is returned.
See also | |
interp |