int metaimport(int handle, string attrib, vector P, <type>&value)
<type>[] metaimport(string file, string attribute, vector P)
Rather than iterating over all the values, this form imports the values from all metaballs simultaneously. As with the scalar form, you can use the keywords…
…to import non-attribute information from the metaballs.
Once you get a handle to a metaball using metastart and
metanext, you can query attributes of the metaball with
There are three “special” attributes you can query:
float meta:density
The density of the current metaball
float meta:prim
The primitive number of the current metaball
matrix meta:transform
The transform associated with the current metaball. Applying the
inverse of this transform will transform a point into the “space” of
the metaball.
For example, the metaweight function can be expressed in the following way:
float metaweight(string file; vector P) { int handle; float density, tmp; density = 0; handle = metastart(file, P); while (metanext(handle)) { if (metaimport(handle, "meta:density", P, tmp)) density += tmp; } return density; }
The attributes evaluated are un-premultiplied by the weight of the metaball at the position and must be multiplied for blending. For example, to evaluate a vector attribute (say color) on metaballs, the following function could be used:
vector meta_attribute(string file, attrib_name; vector P) { int handle; vector result, tmp; float density; handle = metastart(file, P); result = 0; while (metanext(handle)) { if (metaimport(handle, "meta:density", P, density)) { if (metaimport(handle, attrib_name, P, tmp)) result += density * tmp; } return result; }
In the i3d context, there is a default metaball geometry (specified
by the -g
option on the command line to the i3dgen program). If the
filename is an empty string, the default geometry will be used.
metaball |