Houdini 20.5 Nodes APEX Nodes


Utility node for passing through unmodified values of a given type.

On this page
Since 20.0

This node is meant to serve merely as a placeholder for outside references.


value: ApexChannel, ApexChannelCollection, ApexDynamicPath, ApexDynamicPathArray, ApexGraphHandle, ApexNodeID, ApexNodeIDArray, ApexPortID, ApexPortIDArray, Bool, BoolArray, ColorRamp, Dict, DictArray, FbikSkeleton, Float, FloatArray, FloatRamp, Geometry, GeometryArray, Int, IntArray, Matrix3, Matrix3Array, Matrix4, Matrix4Array, PhysikSolver, String, StringArray, Vector2, Vector2Array, Vector3, Vector3Array, Vector4, Vector4Array


value: ApexChannel, ApexChannelCollection, ApexDynamicPath, ApexDynamicPathArray, ApexGraphHandle, ApexNodeID, ApexNodeIDArray, ApexPortID, ApexPortIDArray, Bool, BoolArray, ColorRamp, Dict, DictArray, FbikSkeleton, Float, FloatArray, FloatRamp, Geometry, GeometryArray, Int, IntArray, Matrix3, Matrix3Array, Matrix4, Matrix4Array, PhysikSolver, String, StringArray, Vector2, Vector2Array, Vector3, Vector3Array, Vector4, Vector4Array
See also

APEX Nodes