Houdini 20.5 Nodes APEX nodes


Switches between different input values based on an index.

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Since 20.0

Returns the value of the nth input, where n is the value of index. index starts at 0.


input: VariadicArg<ApexChannel>, VariadicArg<ApexChannelCollection>, VariadicArg<Bool>, VariadicArg<Float>, VariadicArg<Geometry>, VariadicArg<Int>, VariadicArg<Matrix3>, VariadicArg<Matrix4>, VariadicArg<String>, VariadicArg<Vector2>, VariadicArg<Vector3>, VariadicArg<Vector4>

A variadic input of different subport values.

index: Int

The index of the input subport whose value to return. The range of valid indices is [0, number of inputs - 1].


out: ApexChannel, ApexChannelCollection, Bool, Float, Geometry, Int, Matrix3, Matrix4, String, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4

A copy of the input value associated with index.

See also

APEX nodes