Houdini 20.5 Nodes APEX nodes


Promotes multiple input ports to the graph’s parms node.

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Since 20.5

Promotes multiple input ports to the graph’s parms node. The ports to promote are specified in portnames, with the individual ports separated with a space, for example, “t r s”. The promoted ports on the parms node are named using prefix as the base name, and portnames as a suffix, for example, prefix_t, prefix_r, and prefix_s.

The graph ports of this node are in-place ports, which means that the graph is updated without creating a copy.


*graph: ApexGraphHandle Required

The graph that contains the node with the input ports to promote.

nodeid: ApexNodeID

The node with the input ports to promote.

portnames: String

The input ports to promote, for example, “t r s”.

parmnodeid: ApexNodeID

The node ID of the graph’s parms node.

prefix: String

The base name of the promoted ports on the graph’s parms node.

removeportprefix: Bool

If set to True, removes all prefixes from the promoted ports (on the graph’s parms node), leaving only the portnames.


*graph: ApexGraphHandle

The updated graph with the newly promoted ports.

graphinputs: ApexPortIDArray

An array of the newly created port IDs on the parms node.

See also

APEX nodes