Houdini 20.5 Nodes APEX nodes


Invokes an APEX graph.

On this page
Since 20.0


graph: ApexGraphHandle

The graph to invoke.

outputs: StringArray

Optional array of output names to evaluate. The format of the names should be <output_node_name>:<port_name>.

pattern: String

Optional generic pattern for filtering the outputs to evaluate. The pattern is applied to the outputs specified by either the outputs input port, or the names of the outdict output ports.


The format of the outputs are of the form <output_node_name>:<port_name>.

parms: VariadicArg<Dict>

Dictionary of graph input values to evaluate with. All the dictionaries are merged together prior to evaluation.


outdict: VariadicArg<Dict>

The evaluated outputs from the input graph. The name of the subports on this variadic output should match the name of an output node in the graph. To rename the port in the APEX network view, click on the port.

Each subport contains a dictionary with the values from the ports of the output node. The dictionary has the following key-value pairs:

  • key: Port name on the output node.

  • value: Value of the port.

See also

APEX nodes