Houdini 20.5 Nodes APEX nodes


Combines an input transform matrix and a set of translation, rotation, and scale parameters into a new transform.

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Since 20.0


inputlocalxform: Matrix4

The input transform matrix.

parentlocalscale: Vector3

A scale factor in parent local space.

xord: Int

The transform order of the transform constructed from the t, r, and s values.

rord: Int

The rotation order.

t: Vector3

The translate values.

r: Vector3

The rotation values.

s: Vector3

The scale value.

p: Vector3

The pivot translation value.

pr: Vector3

The pivot rotation value.

scaleinheritance: Int

Determines how the scale inheritance from the parent transform is applied to the result.

method: Int

Set to 0 to premultiply the inputlocalxform.

Set to 1 to postmultiply the inputlocalxform.

Set to 2 to output the transform constructed directly from the parameters.


localxform: Matrix4

The combined output transform.

APEX nodes