Houdini 20.5 Nodes APEX Nodes


Creates a dynamic path that represents the motion of a TransformObject by sampling the translate, rotate, and scale parameters from an animation stack.

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Since 20.5

Creates a dynamic path that represents the motion that a TransformObject takes through world space over the course of an animation. The translate, rotate, and scale parameters in an animation stack (a set of animation layers) represent the local translate, rotate, and scale values of a TransformObject over time. These animation stack parameters are sampled at each of the times in the times array to create a dynamic path.

In this node, no TransformObjects are actually set or used, but the underlying matrix transform calculations are the same as those performed on TransformObjects. The input ports on this node set the values necessary for performing these matrix calculations.

At the i-th sample time, the matrices from the i-th index of parentxforms and parentlocals correspond to the parent and parentlocal ports on a TransformObject node. At each sample time, the restlocal, xord, rord, and scaleinheritance correspond to the ports of the same name on a TransformObject node.


animstack: ApexAnimStack

An animation stack that contains the local translate, rotate, and scale parameters of a TransformObject.

tparm: String

The name of the translate parameter in animstack.

rparm: String

The name of the rotate parameter in animstack.

sparm: String

The name of the scale parameter in animstack.

times: FloatArray

An array of times at which to sample the animation stack.

parentxforms: Matrix4Array

An array of parent transform matrices. At the i-th time in the times array, the i-th matrix in this array corresponds to a TransformObject’s parent transform matrix.

parentlocals: Matrix4Array

An array of parent local transform matrices. At the i-th time in the times array, the i-th matrix in this array corresponds to a TransformObject’s parentlocal transform matrix.

restlocal: Matrix4

The rest local transform matrix; corresponds to a TransformObject’s restlocal.

xord: xord

The transformation order; corresponds to a TransformObject’s xord.

rord: rord

The rotation order; corresponds to a TransformObject’s rord.

scaleinheritance: scaleinheritance

The effect of the parent’s local scaling on the child; corresponds to a TransformObject’s scaleinheritance.

samplerate: Float

The frame rate of the scene.


path: ApexDynamicPath

A dynamic path that represents the motion of a TransformObject.

See also

APEX Nodes