Houdini 20.5 Nodes APEX Nodes


Deforms geometry based on the reshaping of a control lattice.

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Since 20.5

The input geometry is deformed in the same way that a simpler control lattice deforms from its restgeo position to its deformedgeo position. Only the points of the input geometry that are bound by the control lattice’s restgeo are deformed by the lattice.


The control lattice must have the specific topology produced by the Bound SOP. The values of the Divisions parameter on the Bound SOP are the same values used for the divsx, divsy, and divsz input ports.

The geo ports of this node are in-place ports, which means that the geometry is updated without creating a copy.


*geo: Geometry Required

The input geometry to deform by the reshaping of the control lattice.

restgeo: Geometry

The control lattice’s rest shape. The rest shape must be bound to the points of the input geometry that it wishes to deform.

deformedgeo: Geometry

The control lattice’s deformed shape. The difference between the deformed shape and the rest shape controls how the input geometry deforms.

divsx: Int

The number of divisions the control lattice has in its x-direction. This should be the same as the x-component of the Division parameter on the Bound SOP that is used to create the lattice.

divsy: Int

The number of divisions the control lattice has in its y-direction. This should be the same as the y-component of the Division parameter on the Bound SOP that is used to create the lattice.

divsz: Int

The number of divisions the control lattice has in its z-direction. This should be the same as the z-component of the Division parameter on the Bound SOP that is used to create the lattice.

group: String

The input geometry’s point group that determines the points that are deformed by the lattice.

interptype: Int

The interpolation method used to deform the input geometry based on the control lattice’s shape. A value of 0 produces linear interpolation, and a value of 1 produces Bezier interpolation. The default value is 1.

updatenmls: Bool

If set to True, recomputes the geometry’s point or vertex normals after the deformation. The default is True.


*geo: Geometry

The deformed geometry.

APEX Nodes