Houdini 20.5 Nodes APEX nodes


Defines the end of a for-each loop that iterates over the points in a geometry.

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Since 20.0

Defines the end of a for-each loop that loops over the points in a geometry, and executes the block of nodes sandwiched between this node and its corresponding geo::ForEachPointBegin node (connected via their scope ports).

The geo ports of this node are in-place ports, which means that the geometry is updated without creating a copy.


scope: undefined

Used to define the scope of the for-each loop. Must be wired to the scope output of the corresponding geo::ForEachPointBegin node.

*geo: Geometry Required

The geometry whose points are iterated over. This should be connected to the geo output of the corresponding geo::ForEachPointBegin node.

element: Int

The point number of the point that is being iterated over.


Extra inputs for use within the block. If a spare input on the geo::ForEachPointEnd node matches the name of a spare input on the corresponding geo::ForEachPointBegin node, the value is fed back each iteration.


*geo: Geometry

The geo input whose points are iterated over.


Pass-through of the corresponding input, for use within the block.

See also

APEX nodes