Houdini 20.5 Nodes APEX nodes


Creates a spline of a given order using an array of CVs.

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Since 20.0

The spline generated from the control matrices is a bezier curve of the specified order. This means that the number of control matrices must satisfy the equation, <number_of_cvs> % (order-1) == 1.


cvs: Matrix4Array

The transforms that specify each CV’s translate, normal (N), and tangent (tangentu) values. The transform values are also written to the transform attribute as a Matrix3 type.

twists: FloatArray

Twist values (in radians) to write to the twist point attribute. There does NOT have to be a twist value per CV. Twist values are interpolated linearly across the length of the spline.

order: Int

The order of the generated spline curve.


geo: Geometry

The output geometry containing the created spline.

See also

APEX nodes