Houdini 20.5 Nodes Copernicus nodes

Cryptomatte Copernicus node

Builds a matte from cryptomatte layers.

On this page

The Cryptomatte format represents a canonical way to pack object IDs and coverage information into 32-bit RGBA layers.

This operations creates a mask of all the objects that match the provided list of selection strings. The nature of the selection strings depends on the renderer settings, and may be found from there or from the .exr’s manifest.


Select All

Select all IDs. This essentially sums up the coverage of all the provided layers, creating a mask of everything that isn’t present with any hash.


A comma-spearated list of object names to include in the selection. Each of these names will have any surrounding spaces trimmed, sent through the standard murmur hash, and then that ID will be used for the list of IDs to use for coverage.

This requires that the cryptomatte used a standard hash. Available object names can be found in the metadata of the .exr.

iinfo -v filename.exr will list the information, the cryptomatte/hexnumber/manifest will list the object names in dictionary format.



A variable number of RGBA layers can be wired up here. Each one decomposed into coverage and ID channels, and where the IDs match the selection, the coverages are added up.



The sum of all coverages that matched the selection.

See also

Copernicus nodes