Houdini 20.5 Nodes Copernicus nodes

Auto Stereogram Copernicus node

Generates an image with a 3D illusion.

On this page

An auto stereogram is a two-dimensional image that can give the illusion of depth when the view is focused outside of the image’s plane. The image is formed by sampling a repeating texture, with distortion applied to the sampling coordinates to take the depth input into account. This operator can generate such images when provided with a depth map and a texture to sample.


Set Border to Mirror if the image doesn’t tile naturally, which makes it seamlessly repeat. Set Border to Wrap if the image tiles.



The sampling frequency of the source image. Higher values increase the amount that the source texture repeats, but a frequency that’s too large may generate incoherent noise that you can’t resolve.

Depth Range

The range to clamp the values in the depth image to for stability. Incoming depth values must be positive, with larger depths appearing more extruded in the stereogram.

You can add a Remap COP before this node to put the depth values into a usable range.


The sampling behavior outside of the incoming layer’s boundaries. Automatically uses the layer’s border property.

See Border types for more information.


Distorts outwards from the center, producing a symmetric result. When off, this applies the sampling distortion from left to right.



The pattern sampled to form the stereogram.


The depth image to genereate a stereogram for. Areas with larger values in this image appear more extruded.



The generated auto stereogram.


StarAutoStereogram Example for Auto Stereogram Copernicus node

This simple example shows how to generate an auto stereogram for a star shape using a noise pattern.

Copernicus nodes